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Pilot RC 122" Extra 330SC

Joe Hunt

Oh yes but I use a cardboard tube glued in and run my wires down the side.

Okay, they need to come with a tube on each side with pull strings! (and not in the way of the pull/pull or push/pull rudder setups). And, longer ends on the strings than the pull thread used for the ailerons, that thread was just barely long enough to be usable. And, how have your hatches been? I've worked on mine a lot, but it is still not that easy to get on.
Sorry Monkey, I really hope you can join us again next year at Corn Huck, we had a blast!! And now that everyone knows you guy's it will be even better!!

No need to be sorry, that was SOO much fun. Too bad there wasn't video so you can hear the throttle response. We are planning on being there, Although I am a little surprised I am invited! lol. Just give the popo a heads up so I don't get hauled off again.
If the charge wasn't an anomaly then I definitely went well below 40% remaining. I've read they should not go down below 1volt per cell, and I've read not below 2v per cell. They did not even get down to 2v per cell. But, oddly took almost their whole mah capacity in a charge. Something still seems off to me somewhere with this pack. BTW, I've only used this pack for plane setup, I've never flown it. Good thing, huh? :)

One of the old timers here became the world's leading authority on A123's. He said you couldn't kill 'em by discharging them. He would hook up a bulb up to them and draw them to nothing and then recharge if they got out of balance. This was with the actual A123 cells though. The discharge voltage curve, or lack of a curve, is one reason I like these cells. But, they stay at 6.6v right to the very end of the pack and then the voltage fall's off a cliff.

Joe Hunt

One of the old timers here became the world's leading authority on A123's. He said you couldn't kill 'em by discharging them. He would hook up a bulb up to them and draw them to nothing and then recharge if they got out of balance. This was with the actual A123 cells though. The discharge voltage curve, or lack of a curve, is one reason I like these cells. But, they stay at 6.6v right to the very end of the pack and then the voltage fall's off a cliff.

That's what I remember about A-123s, too. I was running them when I quit 8 years ago and thinking they were the endall battery. They still are for power tools. And, the LiFe's are the same Lithium iron phosphate.


640cc Uber Pimp
No need to be sorry, that was SOO much fun. Too bad there wasn't video so you can hear the throttle response. We are planning on being there, Although I am a little surprised I am invited! lol. Just give the popo a heads up so I don't get hauled off again.

HAAAA, you bet we will! Sorry Joe, we keep derailing your thread LOL.


640cc Uber Pimp
That balance is good for 3D, it's tail heavy. If you flip it inverted going along level it will do an outside loop.
On my 87" Pilot Edge I balanced in their CG range, but when I flew it it was tail heavy. It would climb pretty good when inverted. Even though I really liked how it flew there I moved the packs forward so it would at least stay level when inverted. There is just something that feels REALLY wrong about having to use up elevator to fly level inverted.;)