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Pilot RC 122" Extra 330SC

Joe Hunt

LOL, Tony will love to hear that. He gets gripes on them all the time.

Ha! Yeah, lots of good to report... and a few of my own gripes. :gnashing: (funny that smilie says "livid" but I think it looks like a big toothy grin type thing... that's how I've been using it). <shrug>

I think it's a good tailwheel, though. Ground handling is solid, and I'm on a paved runway (anything works on grass). And, it's lighter than a lot of aftermarket versions... and it is holding up well. I tie my planes down by the tailwheel in the back of my pickup and they're blowing around in the open air. I'm really hard on tailwheels, and can't use a bent wire axle style; they bend and break quickly. But, this tailwheel is holding up to it just fine. I've also done a couple of harrier landings and no signs of weakness. Yeah, it was fast and easy to put on, and I'm totally happy with it so far.

I want to get another one of these 122" Extra 330sc's and put a DA-200 on it... what do you think? :epic::sneaky:


[QUOTEI want to get another one of these 122" Extra 330sc's and put a DA-200 on it... what do you think? :epic::sneaky:[/QUOTE]

I have talked to a couple people who have tried 4 cylinders and it's not a good combination. Lots of extra weight and the engine box needs to be cut in half. I am about to put a ZDZ 180 on one of mine and after using the ZDZ 180 on my extra 300 I can't wait. Personally I think the ZDZ 180 has more power than the DA 200 and of course it weights less.


Damn I'm hungry
The DA 200's sound amazing though.

Yes they do. So did this on the dino.......

But a twin sounds awesome too! And when I saw that ZDZ 180 hover a plane at high idle I was hooked. I can only dream because I "have" to be practical.