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Pilot RC 122" Extra 330SC

Joe Hunt

Bolted on the carb... everything still looked clean and tight under the hood. I was too lazy to drive out to the field but I started it up in the driveway. It popped! Which has only happened maybe once with my last carb. And, that carb pretty much always had to be started at half throttle. This carb popped and then started at low throttle. With the change to the mechanical curve I think I'm going to have to take out the radio throttle curve.


Joe Hunt

I know what everyone said and has experienced... but I couldn't convince myself I was fine on exit air. So, I opened up the bottom of the cowl and put an air dam there like Terry does:


Joe Hunt

I went with some blenderm tape on gaps (I prefer covering but I was too lazy) to get some more control surface authority... even though I have about 70 degrees on the elevators after a rework today. :sneaky: We'll see how it works out:


Joe Hunt

One pro, one con:

Pro: IMO, Jase would win all the freestyle events if he flew my 122" Pilot Extra. How's that for a strong statement about how much I like the plane?

Con: Could use some refinements at the factory to make user assembly easier and with a better result.

Joe Hunt

The new motor ripped the 33-11w, as well! The prop felt pretty good hovering and flying around... but it seems to have a lot of braking action in the tumbling maneuvers. I switched back to the 31-12 and the crankshafts were a blur. Pop tops got really good. And, I nailed a couple of great pinwheels. I started worrying about blowing up the air-frame so I've eased back on all the high G maneuvers. I have a photo-shoot tentatively scheduled for this Sunday. And, hope to make a cool video in a new location soon. I was thinking to hire a student videographer, or something. As this time around I'm finding it impossible to get usable footage (from just having guys at the field try to film). Here's a little video from this afternoon from another first time camera guy at the field:
