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Scale Pilot RC 32% Decathlon


640cc Uber Pimp
Not that crafty! I ordered some of these in 5" just because they will look better on this particular model. They are also just shy of 2" wide so they will fill up the wheel pants much better and I've had good luck with the aluminum rims on these.

Anyone interested in the Pilot ones, I'll sell them for $20 or $25 shipped if you want them I can mail then when I get back or pack them with me to Joe Nall if you are there.


640cc Uber Pimp
Pilot wheels are SOLD!!!

I had an hour or so tonight to wrap up a few things. All engine related components are complete except for header and bolt the cowl on. Started to prep the interior for receiver install. Bolted on thew new wheels / tires and wheel shoes. I think these tires are much better fitting for this style of plane.

It comes with a clear air deflector for the bottom hole to aim the air up towards the head. I added another hole and put another baffle on the top to keep as much air going at the fins as possible. I think this should work just great.

I have to say that this thing is freaking huge, I can not imagine a 55 or 60cc engine hauling this thing around with any gusto at all!!!! The 85 is going to be just perfect!


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Damn I'm hungry
That 85 will be sweet. I have seen vids of the smaller 105" hover with the 55. Looking forward to your flight report!


640cc Uber Pimp
That 85 will be sweet. I have seen vids of the smaller 105" hover with the 55. Looking forward to your flight report!

Yea, it says on the website "can hover with DLE55" I don't know how much NoS they are feeding that lil 55 but I just don't see it happening. One thing is the torque effect would be pretty non existant with a 23" prop and a 122" wing!!
I just took a pic of LAW holding the fully assembled wing. Didn't have time to play today but I'm getting the aileron hinges installed quick before I leave. I'm hoping the 85 is snappy enough to give it a little bit of punch out of a hover or I can see a 111 maybe finding it's way in there with heads sticking out the sides of the cowl.


640cc Uber Pimp
111 would be fun on there.

Agree, but for scale flying if it comes out at 24-25lbs. the 85 will be plenty. I heard a guy by us is putting a 120 on one for a glider tow!!!!!:geek:

Well, servos mounted and ready to hook up. Pretty much install the tail wires, struts, header and windshield and it's all set for maiden.


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Either you shrunk the Law or that is a big wing! :way_to_go: That plane is going to be awesome.

Oh, and it looks like you need a couple more nailers....