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Pilot RC owners thread


640cc Uber Pimp
I made an aluminum adapter plate to use my DA50 header on my GP61. It worked out really well. I used high temp red Permatex and it's been totally leak free.


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"Cool Guy"
View attachment 82089 View attachment 82090 View attachment 82091 Nice canister that I acquired from my flying buddy @emtp275 . Going on the Pilot Edge 540. Couple of challenges in that the port to the header is for a DLE 55 so I will have to see if I can drimmel out a little bigger opening to match the 61. Also the stinger is a front dump so getting advice from @ChickenBalls on his front dump setup. (Pilot sets up the cannister dump locations in the rear):frown:
@emtp275 did my canister set up, just a small mod in front of gear, it's as if Pilot put it there as an option, worked out great. I'm in process of getting my Edge bk in the air, going stock exhaust this time round.


"Cool Guy"
Well got the Edge throttle set up again, high idle switch set, "BUT" the eme 55 has gone to clanking. Sounds like a little man wiff hammer trying to get out lol. I just parked the plane couple weeks ago( stole servo's out of it for another plane), ran very well, had a canister set up in it, an had no indication of anything wrong. This engine has been back to Mike at MileHigh, an he went threw it completely, maybe 3 gallons sense I got her bk. Wish I'd known this before I bought another set of servo's to put her bk in the air. Ugh Oh well gonna let it eat itself, @emtp275 gave me an alternative for when she dies, so probably gonna have to buy DLE off him. Strange thing is I had another eme 55 that Justin pulled off an old beater plane he had, it was running fine. It sat for a few months in my shop till I mounted it, fired it up an it sounded like a LARGE man wiff a LARGE hammer trying to get out, this second one won't be long before it gets like that probably. I know its a cowinkydink that both were running fine, until setting for a bit, neither engine showed any sign of problems.


"Cool Guy"
Well she's back in the line up. 3rd engine is running for now AT LEAST My eme Tech @mulehead1969 took 3 eme's 55's an made me a EEM. It's actually running very well, but I have very little faith it will last long. I give it maybe 3-4 gallons if that,before she starts chatterin. Got 3 flights on her last night


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