Well I moved a bunch of the things around and I hope to scale it today or tomorrow. The batteries are at the back at the rear edge of the canopy....It still is a bit nose heavy even with one ounce of lead inside the trap door at the tail. I hate adding lead, but I am very confused about his plane coming out so nose heavy with the rudder servo in the tail. I want to make it easy to correct if the plane actually flies too tail heavy.
I will say that I have enjoyed this Pilot build especially the installation of the firewall. I also love how Tony closed off the pipe tunnel so the whole plane does not get pressurized with air if you leave the pipe tunnel open in the front of the firewall. I also like how Tony managed to keep the circular body of the Yak but used gear that was one piece and not a two piece setup. I like the one piece gear as it spreads the load across the entire gear block.
I think how Tony installed the trap doors in the tail really made running servo wires easy as he does not include a strings to run them like other companies. The covering was done very nicely and the plane should be very easy to see once I finally get it in the air. Here is a list of the goodies in the plane:
Savox 1268 on ailerons and elevator
Savox 1270 on rudder
My own creation fuel tank
Fromeco Lions two 2600 for receiver
Life 1700 for Ignition
Fromeco Sahara Reg set at 7.5 volts....There is a reason for this, most people that know me know why.
Wolverine switch for Receiver and Tail dragger for Ignition
Tail Dragger servos lines 20 gauge of course
AW tail wheel as Pilots may look nice, but not sure the one spring would work
AW pants as I hate the look of Spats, but that is me.
Falcon 24X8 prop...I live at 6000 feet ASL so that is what works
As soon as its balanced and flies I will scale it and compare it to my old AW Yak 55. I loved that plane and had many flights on it. For IMAC style of flying the plane was hard to beat. We shall see how this Pilot plane compares to it. I will say the scheme on the Pilot is flashy....more so than any of my other planes.
I will take a bunch of photos this week, but I have been super busy with work and have had very little time to get this plane squared away.
Any and all comments are welcome...and I need to get my post count up....
That whole glow comment is disturbing.....