I went home for lunch and couldn't resist going out to the shop for a few minutes. I had been thinking about cutting the cowl loose and couldn't figure out what else I needed to do before I did. So, I grabbed my flexible flush cut saw and started sawing. 5 minutes later, I had the cowl in hand with a nice clean cut. Comes off and goes back into place just as if I'd planned it that way. Geez!!! WOW!!!
Now, all I have to do is finish the sheeting on the sides, glue the joints from the inside, put some rails in for it to sit on, build hold down brackets in the nose, a couple of dowels in the back to secure it F3b, sand it smooth, shape the front intake. . . . . You get the idea - there's still a lot of work to do. BUT, this is the most difficult part of the build, and I am now 99.94% sure of success and completion of the project. After this stage, there is nothing that isn't classic building techniques.