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"Cool Guy"
Can anyone give me one reason why Fred would waste his free time playing with airplanes?

I wouldn't have a clue myself, as I'm a happily married man, but Donkey has some idea, it goes something like beautiful wife + camera + GiantScale airplane = 4play? That's the only reason I, I mean Donkey can think of.


70cc twin V2
Had parts at the house that needed a 50-60cc airframe; saw this on the classifieds for a reasonable amount and picked it up last weekend. Maiden is tomorrow.

No surprises during the maiden; was able to get in three 10 minute flights. I'm just a tad tail heavy right now as it pulls to belly during knife-edge flight but once I get the H9 trimmed out this Extra is going to be a very good flying plane.

H9 60cc Extra 300.jpg
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