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Put a face to that name!


Your "tosser" huh?? Love the failed expression btw... :)

ha ha! punk! yea i didnt think about using the term "tosser" till right after i clicked post reply. failed expression? that was more like i cant believe im flying this fast and not tear'n something up.

i almost got sick to my stomach right before the maiden flight with the stryker. my nerves was shot. but i cant believe how easy they are to fly after you get them launched in the air. second battery was doing crazy inverted and upright flat spins , elevators , harrier landings.


I'd give you "kinda a fanboy" after your 10th concert, but at 40 you're stage equipment. Damn that's some dedication there!
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I've seen Rush twice, probably chalk another up this summer. I wanna hit a Foo Fighters show this summer as well.