I think the main reason is events are run by CD's who typically also compete. When I ran IMAC events I enforced the rules, so that meant pilot/dash required. Simple, if you don't have it, there was a point deduction that the computer software did for you.
Now the 10% rule is more difficult. As a CD you can tell any competitor......your plane doesn't meet 10% scale. I don't have to have proof or anything. The rules state its the competitor who has to PROVE their plane meets 10%. Then you get into length, height, wing placement, chord, stabs etc etc etc. 10% is pretty easy to meet. Though there are a few planes on the market that are no where near 10%.
The problem differs from NASCAR where they have specific requirements that must be met and NASCAR proves your car doesn't fit. Same thing with pattern. Weight and Size limit that must be met and can be checked and enforced by CD.
The last thing I hated about CDing for IMAC........you can petition any rule change, non rule enforcement you want. So for instance, I could send forward that no Futaba radios are allowed at my contest. If for some reason it gets approved.....rule stands. I've seen pilot/dash waived, rolling circles waived, boundaries waived etc etc. Usually there is a good reason like noise abatement or overfly. What I didn't like was many contests just didn't enforce pilot/panel. The rules do not say you simply can't enforce something because you the CD don't want to. IT MUST BE IN WRITING ON YOUR SANCTION FORM. If competitors wanted too, they could throw out many contests from lazy CD's who don't take the time to enforce rules or do the sanction form to not enforce a rule.
personally, I think the rule for pilot/panel needs to change. It should be gone or mandatory....no point deduction. IMAC is about flying and part of the 10% scale should include the pilot/panel.