Hi Guys..... Just dropping in to make a few comments..... Fortunately, there HAS to be someone who can put a reality check in the loop. Being a past President for the last 4 years I can verify that MANY ideas come and go. Some are used and some are passed over as being unrealistic.
If you read past the third paragraph, then I know you are truly interested and have the WILL POWER to be involved into making things happen rather than coming up with ideas and not being prepared to DO THE WORK that is required to make the idea become a reality.
IMAC will be a 41 year old organization (started in 1974) come April (Toledo Show) and there have been many changes since it's inception, including:
Affiliation with the IAC. (1976)
IMAC and the TOC adopted the Aresti system. (1978)
Affiliation with AMA and named as the SIG for Scale Aerobatics (1980)
Chapter affiliation worldwide, developed the (2%) biplane bonus (1982)
Flying and Judging Video created (Carter/Eich) (1986)
Adobe graphics created for IMAC (Chris Walsh) (1993)
IMAC membership records computerized (Allan Young) (1994)
Newsletter goes on IMAC website (2000)
Mini-Mac introduced
Intermediate Class introduced
IMAC National Instructor's training introduced (2002)
Comprehensive Rule Book make-over w/ graphics (2002)
National Sound Task Force introduced
IMAC Sequence Committee introduced
IMAC Rules Committee introduced
IMAC new website created (2009)
IMAC SCORE! program introduced
IMAC Regional Points System introduced (National)
IMAC Seniors Points System introduced (National)
IMAC Education Committee introduced
IMAC On-line Judging School introduced
IMAC's FIRST World Championship held in Muncie IN (USA) (89 pilots from 13 countries participated) 2014
IMAC International World Competition Committee introduced
There were many more items that could be added above but in the name of expediency, they were left out..... If you are still with me...then we can continue. The above just goes to show that the development of IMAC is NOT stagnant but steadily progressive.
The idea that SCALE judging should be added to IMAC is one that WILL take many hours of research, development, specific rules (not harum scarum) and particularly MANPOWER, to get off the ground. At present, IMAC has ALWAYS had judging issues and had introduced a series of Judging Schools, nationally, to get everyone understanding, flying and judging from the same criteria. At that time there were regional interpretations of the rulebook and became more apparent when the various pilots from the 6 regions met up in competition (NATS/TAS/Don Lowe Masters/Clover Creek) etc.
So.... to get this off the ground..... YOU have to start working on the development and go to the IMAC BOD with a SOLID PROPOSAL of how it all can work with everything all laid out. Do NOT expect someone else to do ALL THIS WORK FOR YOU, after you have come up with the idea. Life just does not work that way. No on one the IMAC BOD gets paid.... it is all voluntary....
So..... again.... get all your ducks in a row.... use the relevant RFA Form (Request for Action) and then have a meeting with the BOD to get it all started. If you are NOT prepared to go through all of that....why do you think the BOD will do so?
You could always do some research in your particular area and request the CD at your contest to consider it and make the rules ....and give it a test run..... You MAY be surprised at the reaction of all the competing pilots at the contest (one way or the other).