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RED FLAG - ALL JET event coming to Lakeland Florida’s Paradise Field


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COMING: OCTOBER 29-31 2015

Red Flag is, and will be, a lot of things but it may be easiest to explain some things it is “Not”, or “Will Not” be! For example, it is not for the timid, it is not for the procrastinator; it is not for the average guy and is not for “non-competitive” modelers.

RED FLAG is a new ALL JET event coming to Lakeland Florida’s Paradise Field this October. It will be a scored event, meaning a competition, with the emphasis on Aerobatics with a some attention on craftsmanship and appearance thrown in. It will be an invitational, but people who think they may be qualified may “ask” for a slot to compete. Or, pilots may be recommended by others. (We don’t know everybody in the World) There will be a purse, not enough to buy a new car, but enough for Bragging Rights. Nice Awards too.

Red Flag will have 4 classes, Scale Pro-Aerobatics, Sport Pro-Aerobatics, Free- Style and one for Formation Flying. Maneuvers will be flown from a list; some of them mandatory and a few will be pilot choice .Takeoffs may not be judged but landings will. Maximum planes in the air at one time? That would be 2. It will be a Thursday, Friday Saturday event with all awards given out at a Dinner Saturday night.

Ray Labonte is Co-Contest Director, and he is helping with logistics, scoring and sits on the Board of Directors who make the initial decisions. He has produced an overview of exactly HOW Red Flag will work. We realize that there will be some who agree and some who do not agree with the rules and procedures, and we sincerely sympathize, but for the first year, that’s too bad.

We will make every effort to blanket the World with information and keep everyone posted!

Thanks, Frank Tiano

Red Flag 2015
Aerobat Category
30 – 40 Pilots Invited For Two Classes

  • To create an event which presents a challenge for participants by judging precision and flow, all while emphasizing spectator appeal.

  • Use of a predetermined list of maneuvers with various levels of difficulty and reward helps encourage individuality by participants.

  • Maneuver selection which allows for a variety of aircraft (combined length and wingspan greater than 140”) to be used which does not favor any particular type of airplane.

  • Graduated levels of difficulty to allow pilots to operate within their comfort range while rewarding those selecting a more difficult sequence of maneuvers.

  • An airshow presentation to minimize “dead time” yet prove challenging and rewarding for participants, while enhancing spectator appeal.


    Invited pilots fly against a ten (10) minute clock; to complete their flight presentation. This includes taxi time and touchdown for landing. Any pilot that uses more than 10 minute for his flight presentation will receive a 2% deduction from his final score for each minute over 10 minutes, starting at 10:01.

    Pilots have a choice to participate in one of two classes: Scale Jet or Sport Jet. Each class would have a maximum of twenty (20) pilots. Scale Jets would use the well-known Pro-Am Scale static judging guideline requiring a recognizable scale paint scheme with accompanying photograph. The second class would encompass any Sport Jet. Each pilot will choose to participate in one class of the Aerobat Category but not both. Two flight-lines will be flown simultaneously with one line utilized by the Scale Jet class and the other used by the Sport Jet. It will be each pilot’s responsibility to fly all upwind maneuvers on a defined inside line, while downwind maneuvers are flown on a defined outside line. The inside line would be no closer than the far edge of the asphalt runway and no further out than 25 yards from the runway’s far edge. The outside line would be approximately 50 - 60 yards out from the far edge of the asphalt runway.

    Using the attached maneuvers list, each pilot will select a total of ten aerobatic maneuvers to create their individual aerobatic sequence. Individual sequences will be presented to judges in advance and deviation from the submitted list is not allowed. Any deviation from their listed sequence results in a zero (0) score for any missed maneuvers. These individual maneuvers would be considered “centered maneuvers”, with placement & precision being paramount to the pilot’s score. Fidelity to scale flight will also be considered as an overall presentation score. Each “centered maneuver” will be followed by a turn- around maneuver (examples: Split S, Half Cuban 8, Reverse Half Cuban 8, Procedure Turn) at pilot’s discretion which sets up their next “centered maneuver” for score. Each subsequent upwind or downwind pass requires the next “centered maneuver” be flown for score without deviations from their submitted sequence list. These turn-around (end box) maneuvers create a natural flow and overall airshow presentation for each flight. This also helps to reduce dead time and expedites time aloft for each flight. Depending on the maneuvers selected by pilots, a total of 4 – 5 upwind/downwind passes would be required to complete each flight, limiting time in the aerobatic box to 5 minutes or less. Following each aerobatic sequence, a mandatory Slow Fly-By (gear down initial flaps deployed) is required for score, leading into a rectangular pattern and landing, also for score. Each flight will also be scored for overall presentation resulting in thirteen (13) individual scores applied to their total flight score. For the sake of balance, Slow Fly-by, Presentation & Landing Score would have a K factor of 23. A K factor of 23 is the average K for all aerobatic maneuvers available on the attached list. This assures that the Slow Fly-By, Presentation and Landing score are all of equal value, on average, as they relate to the aerobatic maneuvers.

There will be 2 judges on each flight line, with changes made each round. Judges will score each of the 10 aerobatic maneuvers for precision, placement and proper geometry on a scale of one (1) to ten (10), with 10 being a perfect score. All aerobatic maneuvers must be flown in the exact sequence submitted by pilots prior to each flight. In the event a planned maneuver is missed a zero (0) score is given for that maneuver. Following a missed maneuver, should a pilot find him/herself out of position, a “break” may be called allowing the pilot to get back into proper position for his/her next planned maneuver. A “break” results in a zero (0) score for a minimum of one maneuver. Only one “break” is allowed per round; if a second “break” is called, the pilot shall immediately land, with NO additional score allowed. Scoring begins when the pilot announces that he is beginning his sequence and initiates the first aerobatic maneuver, and concludes once he has completed the landing. No additional communication with judges is required once the intent to start has been announced. The exception to this would be a called “break” by the active pilot or his/her caller. Once a pilot has completed his/her ten aerobatic maneuvers, they will be allowed up to two additional circuits to get into position for the mandatory Slow Fly-By leading into a rectangular traffic pattern and full landing. Judges will score the mandatory Slow Fly-By, Presentation and Landing on a scale of one (1) to ten (10), with ten being a perfect score. Landing must follow the Slow Fly-By and rectangular pattern or a zero (0) score will be given. The only exception allowed is at the discretion of the head flight line judge, for any conflicting traffic. With only two airplanes operating simultaneously this should not be necessary.

It is planned that all Aerobat Category Pilots would fly one scored round daily during the course of the scheduled three day event. Final ranking will be based on the pilots two best flights scored, with the lowest score being dropped. Final round scores may be held confidential until the awards banquet Saturday evening.

Because Red Flag is brand new, we feel it is important to keep the format simple and straightforward; allowing room for growth. The turnaround (airshow) format is easily flown by most proficient Jet Pilots with a little advanced practice. The maneuvers selected are designed to be challenging, but not troublesome, for the intended participants. The goal is to be innovative, time efficient and entertaining. Scoring with the use of K factor is easily accomplished, rewarding those participants pushing the envelope. At the time of this composition, the use of K factor is not yet in stone and may be overlooked to decrease complexity the first year. The biggest challenge will be securing qualified judges that understand the balance between precision aerobatics and scale flight. I believe this can be overcome with advanced training and limiting the maneuvers flown as outlined here. Participation in the Aerobat Category may be viewed as a stepping stone to gain experience, with a goal of participating in future Team Demo or Individual Freestyle Categories. Our goal for the first time event in 2015 would be a balanced class of 15 – 20 pilots competing in each of the Scale Jet or Sport Jet Classes.

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  • 7 Red Flag 2015 Invite Request.pdf
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Red Flag Maneuvers List Aerobat Category

1) Roll K=10
  1. 2) 2 Point Roll K=11

  2. 3) 4 Point Roll K=13

  3. 4) 8 Point Roll K=17
Loops: Two required

1) Loop K=10
  1. 2) Loop with roll on top K=18

  2. 3) Loop with 2 point roll on top K=19

  3. 4) Loop with 4 point roll in top K=21
Humpty Bump: One required
  1. 1) Humpty Bump K=13

  2. 2) Humpty Bump 1⁄2 roll up and 1⁄2 roll down K=25

  3. 3) Humpty Bump 4 point roll up K=28
Teardrop: One required
  1. 1) Teardrop full roll up K=24

  2. 2) Reverse Teardrop full roll up full roll down K=30

  3. 3) Teardrop full roll up full roll down K=32
Sharks tooth: One required
  1. 1) Reverse Sharks Tooth 1/2 roll up 1/2 roll down K=22

  2. 2) Sharks tooth full roll up full roll down K=34
Cuban Eight: One required
  1. 1) Cuban Eight with 1⁄2 rolls on the 45s K=27

  2. 2) Reverse Cuban Eight with 1⁄2 rolls on the 45s K=31

  3. 3) Reverse Cuban Eight 3/2 first 45 up 2/4 on second 45 up K=40
Passes: One required
  1. 1) Inverted Pass K=11

  2. 2) Knife Edge Pass K=13

  3. 3) Opposing Knife Edge Pass K=16

Pilots Optional: One required from above list


Red Flag 2015
Individual Freestyle Category
15 – 20 Pilots Invited

To create a highly competitive class of Jet flying that promotes choreography & individuality, with showmanship and entertainment being paramount. This class may be viewed as the “best of the best” pilots attending Red Flag 2015.

Each invited pilot’s demonstration is required to be a minimum of 5 minutes synchronized to music or narration, with overall time not to exceed ten minutes. This includes start-up, taxi out, landing and the taxi back to the startup area. Any pilot that exceeds the allotted 10 minute flight presentation will receive a 5% deduction from his/her final score for each minute over 10 minutes, starting at 10:01. Pilots will fly one at a time to take advantage of the complete airspace and field amenities. It is required that their flight be choreographed with individual music or professional narration throughout the flight. The use of smoke, colored smoke, ribbons or other inflight enhancements is recommended and would result in a higher “presentation” score. All flying will be conducted with safety being paramount, at a minimum altitude of 10 feet AGL. No maneuvers will be allowed that carries the momentum of an aircraft in the direction of the pit/spectator area. Once airborne, all flying will remain outside of the far edge of the paved runway. Each pilot will fly his Freestyle routine once daily, with scores accumulating over the course of the event. Final scores may be kept confidential until the awards banquet Saturday evening.

Judging will be done by a panel that changes on a daily basis. Each judge will score flights based on the following criteria: Execution, Maneuvers Variety & Flow, Positioning, Presentation and Choreography. A brief explanation of these criteria as follows:

Execution is defined as the precision elements applied to maneuvers flown. For example, if a four point roll is performed, judges will view and score the pilot’s tendency to make crisp, precise 90 degree points, with equal timing between points. If a looping maneuver is chosen, a smooth, consistent radius should be flown. Although individual scoring of each maneuver is not done, overall tendency of the pilot to define points and apply proper geometry will be considered and scored accordingly.
Maneuver Variety & Flow rewards those that execute a vast array of maneuvers and how those maneuvers flow together.

Positioning judges each pilot’s ability to plan his/her overall flight to maximize time at show center. A well balanced flow of maneuvers, which allows all quadrants of an aerobatic box to be utilized, receives maximum scoring. Alternately, long turnaround legs resulting in “dead time” would be subject to a reduction in the positioning score.

Presentation will be the overall consideration of airmanship vs showmanship. Pilots should approach their freestyle routine as the opportunity to “strut their stuff,” in balance with safety and entertainment. High speed, low level, flying will not be rewarded. A pilot’s presentation score can be enhanced with the use of smoke, colored smoke, ribbons etc. All narration should be done in a professional manner with a goal of enhancing entertainment value. Although not restricted, it is recommended that commercial narration during individual freestyle be limited. The Freestyle class is intended to promote individual piloting talents and not be used for commercial purpose.

Choreography will, in most cases, be the biggest challenge for pilots new to freestyle competition flying. The Individual Freestyle category requires participants to fly a practiced flight routine synchronized to music or professional narration. Combining both narration and music may be used for maximum scoring. Changes in music rhythm are recommended and would help to enhance the choreography score. A well-choreographed freestyle routine would present as the airplane dancing in harmony with music being played.

Each of the five (5) judging criteria above will be scored equally on a scale of zero (0) to ten (10), with a perfect score of fifty (50). All judges will render a score for each of the 5 criteria listed. Individual judge’s total scores will be added together, resulting in a total score per flight round. Final score for placement will be the total accumulated over the course of the three days of competition.

Most competitors participating in Red Flag 2015 would likely find the Individual Freestyle Class the most intriguing and clearly the most challenging. There is a great deal of preparation required to put on a fluid, choreographed, polished routine...if you want to be considered a contender for this category, you’re going to want to put in a great deal of practice in advance. Our goal for the first time event in 2015 would be to have a class of 15 – 20, pilots with a minimum of 10 pilots pre-registered to participate.

Red Flag 2015
Team Demo Category
4 – 8 Teams Invited

To create a competitive class of “Team” Jet flying, using a minimum of two, maximum of six, pilots flying a choreographed routine for the sake of spectator appeal. The goal is to get the crowd involved by using them as the judging panel that will ultimately select the winning team.

Each Team has twelve (12) minutes to complete their flight presentation. This includes start-up, taxi out, landing and taxi back to the startup area. The actual flight portion of each Teams demonstration must be a minimum of 5 minutes. Teams will fly one at a time to take advantage of the complete airspace and field amenities. It is highly recommended that the flight be choreographed with music, or narrated throughout the flight, and include the use of smoke, ribbons, or other inflight enhancements. Showing up on contest day and winging it with a friend will not be received well. Teams who have practiced their formation flight in advance, and present a well-balanced routine which, showcases variety and captivates spectator interest, will do well! Each team will have the opportunity to fly their routines daily for the planned three day event. One flight will be scored each day, with scores accumulating over the course of the three days. Final round scores may be held confidential until the awards banquet Saturday evening.

We are leaning towards using “Spectator judging” with the “Live Fan Voting” application found at RCFLIGHTDECK.COM. This smartphone friendly application allows those in attendance to easily select their favorite team flight. A new ballot will be available at the start of each day’s Team Competition, with voting open at the completion of all team flights. Voting will remain open for thirty (30) minutes before final tally. Written ballots will be onsite for those spectators not having access to smartphone use. Final score for placement will be the total accumulated over the course of three days. We have not yet considered monitoring the number of votes accepted per phone.

This portion of the Red Flag competition has the potential to be a spectator favorite. Including the audience in the process of selecting a winner will enhance their level of interest and allows the Team Pilots to approach this simply from the perspective of entertainment. Our goal for the first time event in 2015 would be a class of 4 – 6 teams with a minimum of three teams pre-registered.

Team dress encouraged.

Invite request attached on first post, Download and send to FTE!


70cc twin V2
Red Flag has been postponed for several unforeseen issues. It will be tied into Florida Jets, March 7-9, 2016.

The event will go on as planned, so if you are interested please contact Frank Tiano or Ray Labonte.

The great thing about the delay, is that the event will run March 7-9, and Florida Jets runs 10-12, so you can hit two great events in one week.