Ok, I took a few days to play around with the setup and I am happy with where its at! You will notice in the pic that I have added 1 ounce to the tail. This helped with getting the flat spins flatter but caused more wing rock in harrier so I will be removing that going forward. This will return the CG to 6" from the LE at the root. I tried reducing the expo on high rates and I could not get used to it at 50% and will probably return it to the original 70%-75%. I added about a 3% mix elev-rudd to compensate for the pull to the gear in knife edge and it tracks straight now. Rollers are effortless and hovers and torque rolls are so easy! It locks into a hover and starts to torque roll on its own! The DLE35 is plenty of power and pulls it around effortlessly. The only thing that I still need to get used to is how it does the Pop-top....It is a little different and required a little finesse to execute. I am unable to get it to do a crank shaft and am open to any suggestions. I feel that since the tail moment is a little longer than most, it may be hindering it in this area. I am running a 19x8 Falcon CF prop. I did experiment with other props including a Falcon 20x6 but lost almost 900rpm so I will keep the 19x8 on it for now. As the engine breaks in I might try it again. Also, as you can see in the pic, I re-examined the control setup and moved all linkages to 90 degrees. I was able to get full deflection and better utilize the servos torque potential.
My overall opinion is this is a great 30cc airframe that presents as well as some larger airframes. It tracks well in precision and 3D and is a blast to fly. I will be using this airframe to fine tune my IMAC flying for the upcoming season as well as to play around and master rolling maneuvers.
I will have some video posted soon!

My overall opinion is this is a great 30cc airframe that presents as well as some larger airframes. It tracks well in precision and 3D and is a blast to fly. I will be using this airframe to fine tune my IMAC flying for the upcoming season as well as to play around and master rolling maneuvers.
I will have some video posted soon!