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Redwing 50cc slick 540 build log

uploadfromtaptalk1402448517869.jpgrx beds came in today from azhar the plane is shaping up nice and neat. Madien set for Saturday at the Memphis prop busters flyin
uploadfromtaptalk1402460044441.jpgairframe is complete. Just have to mount cowl.. and cut vent holes in the fuse. Will hinge wings tomorrow night and install Wong servos
uploadfromtaptalk1402547712718.jpgpretty clean install so far.. The fuse is now done.. switches came in today. Also got the wings all hinged and control points glued in uploadfromtaptalk1402547712718.jpgI used the surface mount.. on the wing.. I just don't trust a 444 oz servo in a hidden door.. but I'm sure.. that it would have been fine in there ..and made a much neater install but I would have needed a little bigger arm than what I had so I went the surface mount...


  • uploadfromtaptalk1402547841173.jpg
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wow -= that's cool - I didn't know the surface mount pocket was still there!!! nice to have that option
Yes they are. I have 2 7950s and 8 7955s and I know the 50s have issues being rudder servos. I need 2 airplanes worth of servos out of these so the 50s go in a pair somewhere. Originally I was going to use my spare BLS157 on rudder but it has to go back to hobby services and that never goes well.
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