SnowDog reporting in....! :flyer:
Yesterday I finally had the opportunity to maiden my RedwingRC 89" Extra powered by the amazing GP-61 engine spinning a 24x9 Xion Carbon Fiber prop.
The engine fired up without a hitch, no adjustments were needed. Low idle was very good, transition was without hesitation, and top end was excellent.
No numbers, this is just going by feel and sound. I'll get the "hard data" later
After takeoff, two clicks of elevator and one click of aileron put the plane in level hands off flight. After flying a few laps around the field to get the feel of the plane, I could tell I was really going to like this plane.
However, my first attempts to perform a roll were met with very poor response, which I felt was odd, since my rates were set fairly aggressively. A few more attempts at rolls told me something was wrong, so I brought the plane around and landed sense taking chances!
After landing, which was smooth...plane glides like...well...a glider...

, the ailerons were examined and it was discovered that the left aileron servo arm screw was hanging on by two threads! The servo arm was not operational, the gears on the arm were not even in contact with the servo gear splines! Having found the obvious problem and checking both ailerons, it was confirmed that one aileron servo had loctite applied and one did loctite to the rescue and it was time for another flight.
The second flight went much better...rolls were as expected, loops and even inverted flight was straight and level. Checking CG showed the plane needed just a touch of down elevator to keep the nose up while on the inverted 45* upline...perfect.
(I did not even check the CG before flight...another oops...but it worked out okay this time.

My 3D flying mentor John Alexander was there helping me and I asked him to put the plane through it's paces and he was glad to have the opportunity. He tested hovers, harriers, rolling harriers, rolling circles, and many other maneuvers. He was very pleased with the way the plane flew and I was awed with his ability to fly some really impressive 3D stuff. He really liked the plane, and the engine and the prop. His comment was that "wow, that GP-61 really turns that 24x9 with authority."
I took the sticks back and did some more maneuvers and really didn't want to stop, but it was time. Setting up on final, the plane glided in smoothly for a landing and was taxied back to the pits with thunderous applause from the gallery of spectators. Ok, ok, let's just say that all the guys at the field were very impressed with the plane
Need to tweak the throttle curve so there is more of a steady range of throttle which will make hovers click up or down from hover speed changes the throttle too much. Also, we noticed a small amount (very small) of coupling to the gear in knife edge flight. This might be resolved by slightly changing the CG, or it can be mixed out.
All in all, this plane was a pleasure to fly, attracted significant positive comments from club members, flies really light, and is perfectly paired with the GP-61.
I will get an all up weight soon, but again, it feels really light.
I have no extras in the plane whatsoever.
RedwingRC has a real winner here...I can't wait to get more time on the sticks!!!
Oh, and we definitely need some pics...I will work on video next weekend.
Looking forward to bringing this beauty to the Kennett 3DBASH in early September!!!