I've got some good news and I've got some bad. The bad news is , as I was walking out the door of my office to go home today, my boss stopped me and asked me if I would work this weekend. Of course, I said yes. Classic case of open mouth and insert foot . . . . .

Now that the bad news I out of the way, lets get to the good news. I was scrounging around in the shed this evening cussing myself and I ran across a bag I didn't immediately remember. Well, to my pleasant surprise, I opened it up and you won't forget what I found. A bag with seven Futaba HV SBUS servos. . . . . .

. Needless to say, My mood did a complete 180. . . . .

and obviously, my servo decision for the Laser was made for me. I did have to call the LHS and order one more servo, but that's OK. I still want to hear what you guys think about Savox servos, because I still want to try them. It just won't be on this plane.
I've also thought about my engine choices some more and the more I think about it, the closer I've come to the realization that my 3W70 twin is just going to be too heavy for the Laser. I'm afraid that even with the heavier servos in the tail, it won't make enough difference to help me. Also, since the bolt patterns are the same, I can just bolt the 55 on the fire wall and be able to get it flying allot quicker.
All I need now is a phone call and we can get this show on the road. . . .

. Good night Fella's. . . . .