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Sport Restoring The Laser


Damn I'm hungry
Just FWIW.........I have flown Derek's Lazer a few times and it is really better suited for awesome tumbles and some prop hanging/torque rolls. Takes off and lands like a dream. The DLE 55RA in it is quite spirited but if you go for the 3dub70 your going to be flying an engine:). My thoughts are to use that red head.

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1

I've got some good news and I've got some bad. The bad news is , as I was walking out the door of my office to go home today, my boss stopped me and asked me if I would work this weekend. Of course, I said yes. Classic case of open mouth and insert foot . . . . .:lol2:.

Now that the bad news I out of the way, lets get to the good news. I was scrounging around in the shed this evening cussing myself and I ran across a bag I didn't immediately remember. Well, to my pleasant surprise, I opened it up and you won't forget what I found. A bag with seven Futaba HV SBUS servos. . . . . .:dancing-chicken:. Needless to say, My mood did a complete 180. . . . .:yesss: and obviously, my servo decision for the Laser was made for me. I did have to call the LHS and order one more servo, but that's OK. I still want to hear what you guys think about Savox servos, because I still want to try them. It just won't be on this plane.

I've also thought about my engine choices some more and the more I think about it, the closer I've come to the realization that my 3W70 twin is just going to be too heavy for the Laser. I'm afraid that even with the heavier servos in the tail, it won't make enough difference to help me. Also, since the bolt patterns are the same, I can just bolt the 55 on the fire wall and be able to get it flying allot quicker.

All I need now is a phone call and we can get this show on the road. . . . :big_yes:. Good night Fella's. . . . . :bigyawn:
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Damn I'm hungry
Boss's who make you work weekends........


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Damn I'm hungry
Sorry David. Not trying to "dirty up" this thread. You might actually have a great boss. o_O

IMO great choice to use the red head 55CS;). I had started a thread about the 3dub 70 in the engine forum and to my surprise very little posts. Now I find out YOU and ROB been holding out! tisk tisk tisk:msn_slap:. Now you and @stangflyer
go dig it up and lets us know something...UnK!?!? :laughing:.


Damn I'm hungry
Ok the Governor has granted a "pardon" to you guys.......I can't find the thread??? Like it was never there????? Oh well:oops:.

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Hey Kelly,

I do have a great boss, but I had to laugh at your post.

What do you want to know about the 3W70? Ironically enough, according to the manual, it will not turn a prop much larger than the 3W55cS. A buddy mine is building a JTEC 1/4 scale M12 and he's using a 3W70 CS. I cannot wait to see that thing fly. The biggest difference between the 3W70 and the DA70 is the 3W has a rear carburetor and the DA has the carburetor on the bottom of the motor. Obviously, there are more differences than this, but this is the biggest one.

Looks like I will have to wait until next weekend to get it (if I don't have to work again). Then I'll post some pics and see if I made a wise decision, which would be a first for me . . . . :lol2:


Damn I'm hungry
Just wanted some feedback how this engine handles is all. I used to operate 3 dubs. Have had several over the years. Very good engines.

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Hey @49dimes ,

Sorry for the slow response to your last post. As you know, the 3Dub is an AWESOME motor. Yeah, they cost more, but they are worth it to me. The only thing I'm not crazy about with the rear intake motors is the location of the carburetor. The phenolic block between the engine and the carburetor pushes the carburetor almost through the fire wall making it a PITA to gain access to the carburetor needles, especially with the cowl on. I know of a few ways to get around the problem but it is annoying.

I know @stangflyer wants me to use my 3W70 in the Laser. Well sorry Buddy, I've decided to keep it for either my AMR Stick or maybe a H9 Revolution. So, you're going to have to install yours in something to see how it does (even though I'm sure you have a pretty good idea already . . . . . . :laughing:)

I'm still hoping to hear from the seller this weekend. I know he's been unavailable for a couple of weeks and I know why, so I have no problem with waiting. I'm just getting a little anxious to get my hands on that Bad Boy.:yesss:


I like 'em "BIG"!
I know @stangflyer wants me to use my 3W70 in the Laser. Well sorry Buddy, I've decided to keep it for either my AMR Stick or maybe a H9 Revolution. So, you're going to have to install yours in something to see how it does (even though I'm sure you have a pretty good idea already . . . . . . :laughing:)
Oh well, I tried. Yes, I do have an idea of what my 70 twin is going on. But whether it actually makes it or not is yet another saga. I am still waiting on covering, cowl and spats for the big Yak. I really want to get it going but am half afraid to start it until all my material shows up. Plus, working 300 miles from home the next two weeks. UGH!!!! Never any time to play with my toys any more....I am becoming very crabby. All I can say is the weather darned well better be nice this weekend. Going home tomorrow afternoon and I will be danged if I am sitting home without going flying.

What is up with your seller David? Does he not want to sell it now? Grrr... LOL

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
What is up with your seller David? Does he not want to sell it now? Grrr... LOL

Hey Rob,

No, that's not it at all. It just wouldn't be the right to say anything here.

It must be a pain to have to work out of town so much, but we gotta do what we gotta do to keep food on the table "so to speak". I'm off at noon today, so I'm heading to the LHS to get my servo and I've got to take my brand new 4K ultra high definition television to the shop to see why it suddenly went into standby mode and won't come out. . . . . . :mad:.

OK, I have a question. Does anyone know what size wheels belong on the 1/3 scale Laser?