Decal Dennis
Thanks for coming guys are welcome at the field anytime.
Dennis, great pics, looks like it was a great event.
Really sad about Kerry's plane. We had a similar thing happen at our club picnic yesterday. Dave has a 100cc plane with a DA-120 on it..he was standing at the pilot station getting ready to taxi out when his DA-120 suddenly jumped to full power, circle around two pilot stations and headed for the pit area where it chewed up a 50cc yak like nothing i've ever seen, then started heading for the fence between the pit and the spectator area. One pilot who was flying at the time had to take his eyes off his plane and jump out of the way of the errant plane. He lost sight of his plane and it went in...a total loss. The 50cc Yak in the pits was also a total loss. The 100cc plane with the DA-120 had no prop and a busted rudder (pins came out). Very scary moment for everyone. After everyone calmed down and we verified (thank God) that no one was injured, a post mortem showed that the battery wire in the TX had come loose and the TX was without power, causing the RX to go into fail-safe mode. Unfortunately, a recent motor swap (DA-100 out, DA-120 in) was done by two people and evidently they both thought the other one checked the failsafe settings.The 50cc yak was owned by the pilot of the 100cc Extra which went crazy, so he ended up destroying his own 50cc airframe.
A good safety lesson, everyone at the field went to checking their fail safe settings after that.
Again, thank God no one was hurt.
Planes can be replaced freinds cannot. I found at the Rolla event that i have better freinds than i thought and am happy and blessed to have them. Thanks Mike Webers, Dennis, Bryan, Carl and all the club members who make it possible and all who attended the rolla fly in. Mike and Carl i owe you, thank you. Put this fly in on your calander for next year.