• If you are new to GiantScaleNews.com, please register, introduce yourself, and make yourself at home.

    We're 1st in Giant Scale RC because we've got the best membership on the internet! Take a look around and don't forget to register to get all of the benefits of GSN membership!


Seriously, Thank you guys!


70cc twin V2
I too am having problems with that other site when using Mozilla or Internet Explorer on my desktop. Works on my droid. Now that GSN is back up and running, that problem may be irrelevant!


70cc twin V2
MAN.. I 100% agree. And the thing is, I spent time talking to a lot of people today and guess what THEY ARN'T DUMB. Traffic and numbers are great, but even the BIG DOGS understand that 2000 ACTIVE REAL GIANT SCALE RC'ers. beats any number of "I'm In" "posts".
I guess ultimately if the members aren't customers buying your products, then advertising to them is a waste. There are a lot of guys at the field interested in the bigger gas planes but seem content to keep flying the 40 sized nitro stuff. Part of this is simply the expense, but I think larger and gas just intimidates a lot of folks.

I think your ideas to create a resource for anyone interested in migrating to the Giant Scale world is a great one. Videos and threads geared towards the newbies. I have been flying the larger stuff myself for only about two years. It scared the hell out of me at first. Especially since locally there are not a huge number of people flying this stuff, and it is difficult to get with them every time you want to fly or work on your plane.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Have to agree with you Dave... I know there are a lot of guys flying the smaller stuff that would "LOVE" to go giant scale over what they have. I have heard so many of them say, "Man, that thing is so..."BIG"! I'd like to have something like that"! But there are so many of them that are in fact intimidated as most are in the new born stages of giant scale. But giving them, as well as the guys that have been in it for awhile...a place to go to, a resource, a.... "coffee shop" of sorts, to get information, share ideas, chat with your buds and just all around relax... that is what it should be all about. Ya know? Bill Gates had a vision. Henry Ford had a vision... SleepyC had a vision and look what we now have!!!! Tip of the hat and thumbs up to ya Steve. Of course no Lone Ranger is complete with out his sidekick Tonto.... Keep it rockin' Bart!!! You guys are top shelf material.