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Set-up of EP 72 inch extra

Hey Delta

Could you please send some photo's of the RCVR and how you have everything inside of fuse, thanks! Like to see how your motor is mounted also. Did you say that you have the Edge?


Sure did. And for my 3DHS 74" Edge the A60-7S is bolted to the custom CF reinforced eBox the same way the motor would be bolted to its X-bracket. Sorry, I didn't shoot any photos of the mounting other than those posted previously. It was difficult to get a good shot of the rear of the eBox firewall due to the eBox's framing obstructions, but all it would show would be the cap head end of the bolts with metal washers fitted and etc. Pretty straight forward really. First I'd suggest that you check your spinner to cowl gap, and if it's close 'nuff just mount the motor with its X-bracket. That'll save a lot of time and work etc. But new holes will have to be drilled, for the A60-7S, either way you go.

Nothing fancy about mounting the receiver. Mine is sitting on a piece of foam rubber cut a little larger than the footprint of the receiver. A single Velcro strap holds it down, and the foam rubber keeps it from shifting about.

Just changed out the 2S 1300 receiver/servo packs for some new Hyperion 2S 1450s'. The new packs fit nicely in the sides of the fuselage between the formers. Some photos:

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