In the past 20 years I have never been as broke as I have been in the last year. That company hired my wife and pulled her out of a pretty nice job so she could work for them and travel with me, fired her after she was 2 months pregnant with our daughter (they hired her as a company copywriter and then never used her for that and asked her to write RC articles... WTF) Then when I was already down one income in my family with a new baby struggling to keep afloat they let me go with two weeks notice. I have been struggling to pay bills ever since. Bart and I are working hard and Bart is being patient with me as I can only give so much time to GSN as I am stuck working a few other jobs to try and cover my bills as our websites grow. Most months I live off of credit cards to buy food and usually have panic attacks at night which to sleep loss which leads to more anxiety. I have no personal time (working 50 - 70 hours a week) at all so I have gained 30 lbs because I have no time to work out. The stress on my family has SUCKED since August, and I'M STILL HAPPIER NOW THAN I WAS THE LAST YEAR OR SO WORKING FOR THOSE GUYS.
I really hope things pick up so I can at least focus 75% of my time to GSN and MRF... and would be ecstatic to just come out at $0 each month.
But again, STILL HAPPIER....