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south central Region IMAC competitions


70cc twin V2
Will be there! Somebody light a fire!

For sure!!

LOL........I live in Ft. Worth, TX and this is what we woke up to this morning; 3-6 inches accross the area. I'd say this is pretty unusual for March. Seems like we've had a whole winter packed into the last 7 days.

It's been at least three weeks since I've been out flying. Forecast starting Saturday looks promising......for sure more spring like weather. I'd like to make the Shreveport event but will be in Oklahoma on Saturday.

March Snow.jpg
Pilots are arriving and planning on great weather for tomorrow!!


Robert Brinker


Hank Cooper


David Herron


Greg St. John


Rich Whitlow


Stacey Butler


Doug Pilcher


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SO far, it has been a great event. I am so grateful for all the people who have helped. What an incredible amount of brotherhood and sisterhood, all the people who stepped up and made it happen. One thing for sure, i have learned a great deal about being a CD of a contest. And now, i have a great and higher respect for all the directors of contests out there. This requires a ton of work to make happen, lots of planning. Lots of help is needed to make it work.
SO far, we completed, 2 rounds of knowns for the Sportsman and Intermediate, and 1 round of unknown. The biggest class, Basic, completed 3 rounds of Knowns.
Tomorrow, if it does not rain in the morning, we will squeeze one more rounds in!!
Then the awards ceremony.
TOday, we had the raffle and gave away the DA 60 motor donated to us by Desert Aircraft, as well as the 3 gift vouchers from Dalton Aviation.
The other thing i learned was about this Score program from IMAC. very critical to learn how to use this, i learned the hard way, but i did have plenty of help as well in this department.
One of the club members is a real life pilot, and he came up to me and told me, in 1 hour, i will be up there to take a picture of you all!!

well look at this picture he took, very impressive. If you look over the lake, you can see one of the pilots airplane in the middle of their sequence!!



70cc twin V2
That is a great picture Cam..........very cool!

Hope the weather was good for flying and it sounds like everyone is having a great time. Congrats on CDing your first contest.
Thank you Rex. We missed you!! We will see you on the next one. Weather was awesome. We may put in another round this morning as well.
The results are in!!!

SHARKS club 2015 IMAC challenge:

1st place = Stacey Butler
2nd place = Jason Greer
3rd place = Brian Hendricks

1st place = Robert Brinker
2nd place = David Herron
3rd place = Philip Knight

1st place = Hank Cooper
2nd place = Tom Burndrett

Congratulations to all the winners!!!