Balsa or BUST!

Oh yeah...I understand what you mean. What they mean if you have no arming switch and you have radio on .by accident, and 3dnater advanced throttle AND the ESC does not catch it ...You are prop chop. I stopped the electric vs Gasser debates long ago...they get too heated.
Sadly..its not how I feel...Its how it is. OLD CURMUDGEONS and electrics seem not to mix here at our Club in SC. The only thing more hated than fixed wing electrics are HELIs.
They have a special part of our fiield for Helis and they totally get panicky if someone starts doing some 3D heli flying.
Our treasurer just sent this pic out..If you do this type of are Da' Man. Fly like Joe Smith...errr...not so impressive.
They really get amped up when I bring my Traxxas VXL Stampede out on 4S and let my Dutch Shepherd chase it at 30 mph up and down the runway.
Yeah.....Its sorta a "blast from the past".
The other RC Club 40 miles away is totally can pack a lb of C4 in your ARF and blow it up in midflight as long as you let them know. Just different rules for different clubs.