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IMAC Terryscustom 35% MXS-ST Prototype


640cc Uber Pimp
Sure came out nice Terry! Do you plan on reinforcing the wing sheeting overhang (that covers the gap)....maybe some balsa tri-stock under each? On my Krill, those overhangs (which are fiberglass) can be fragile .....don't ask how I know :(
Thanks Earl. Yes I will beef them up but I installed them with some extra heavy weight balsa and they were amazingly strong. Since this won't ever be on an airplane I left the tri-stock off.


That is AWESOME Terry! I have tried, not successfully I must add, to do just what you have done. Now that I have been enlightened :) I may give this a shot on the next plane.


640cc Uber Pimp
It's really pretty easy except that the entire assembly is tapered from one end to the other because all your surfaces taper. So the radius of the front changes for each and every component. The one constant is the distance from the stab to the hinge line. Took me a little bit to get my brain wrapped around how to draw all these parts with the extensive use of construction lines and reference drawings. I need to modify this one a bit and do the wings and rudder so we'll see how well that goes. First I need to get some reference drawings from the foam by sticking a wire through the foam to measure thickness at a few points.


640cc Uber Pimp
Yeah that stuff should wear like iron.
You've probably seen these as well.

Yup, looked at those and also the snap in thrust bearings on that same page. For simple construction I really like the continuous sleeve running through the entire assembly. I would expect to see my parts in a couple days from McMasters and I just got most of my foam from Fibertech today so we'll play later in the week.


640cc Uber Pimp
Here is what I used in my Carf Extra.


640cc Uber Pimp
I like the idea of metal bearings but am going to try to stay away from them simply because of weight and cost. I found some nice micro bearings but they are $4-5 each so cost would be kinda crazy for an entire airplane compared to nylon sleeve.