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That perfect plane...

In another thread someone was raving about his new PAU Edge. It got me thinking about those "perfect planes" I've had over the years. I don't mean a plane that flew perfectly, but one that you were so excited about that you had to go fly it every chance you got. I'm thinking of those planes that just instantly felt comfortable and made you feel relaxed. What were (or are) your perfect planes?

For me I can think of 3.
A Miles Reed Weeks Solution with a G-62 I bought at Joe Nall about 15 years ago. I LOVED that bipe. It tumbled like no other plane. From the first flight I was in love. It looked awesome in the air. It ran great. It was stable and solid. I flew it hundreds and hundreds of flights until the covering (Coverite fabric) was so stained and faded you could barely make out the original orange and white scheme. I still want another one of those bipes.

A Sig Senior Kadet with a OS 56 four stroke. It was nothing sexy or impressive, but it was the most relaxing plane I ever had. It had a huge fuel tank and I could easily get 30-40 minute flights. I'd shoot touch and goes until it was almost too dark to see. I loved flying around just above idle inverted. It would hang in the air if there was a slight breeze. Beautiful and relaxing plane. I want another one of these.

A 40% Carden Cap 232 with a 3W 140. I bought this one at the Toledo Expo from Dennis Gergits. It was his personal plane but only had a few flights on it. I still have this one. At the time it was a state of the art IMAC/3D machine. At 37 pounds it was super floaty and seemed to have insane power. By today's standards it would be considered heavy and under powered, of course. The first few flights had a high pucker factor but once we got to know each other it was amazing. My flight log for this plane is almost 2000 flights now. I've flown it in super tight spaces. I learned to harrier, torque roll, and do most 3D maneuvers with it. I'd still fly it every weekend if I had a better way to transport it. I can't get it in my current car so it has to ride on top!
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I guess the one plane that I could fly blindfolded was a ScatCat with a 32 on a pipe! That plane was a blast! I flew it so much I elongated the wing pin holes. Finally after 12 years and 3 piston and sleeves, I let it go.

My latest go to plane is my 42% Pilot Edge 540 with a 3W-150 TOC on cans. This plane had some pucker factor for the first few flights until I finally got the engine straightened out, but since then it has been a dream. It is my go to plane when I just want to fly and not worry about something going wrong.


Defender of the Noob!
my second plane was a Sig Kavalier that flew dead straight and was a dream come true after learning on my Kadet. but i flew recklessly and drilled it into the ground while showboating!


HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
My go to plane was a Hanger 9 Ultrastick. I bought it with a Saito 100 GK as a second plane and I ended up putting it together after I turned my trainer into a pile of toothpicks the first time I tried to take off. My poor instructor didn't even have time to let go of the trainer switch on his transmitter. . . . . . :laughing: That was 15 years ago and I've had an Ultrastick ever since until about a year ago. I currently have a 50cc AMR High Wing Stick under construction, but I doubt it will be finished in time to fly this year.


Just Do It
For me it's the Extreme Flight 91" Extra. Simply amazing plane, does it all and without any bad behaviors. So much fun to fly.

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Hey @David Shriver,

Speaking of the Weeks Solution. Here's a picture that should bring back some good memories.
003 (2).JPG

I just wish the plane was mine. . . .:LOL_gif: It belongs to a good friend of mine. It's his 1/3rd scale Solution X that he built back in 1995. It is, by far the best flying biplane I have ever seen.


70cc twin V2
The plane that really got me going was the .40 size Great Planes Extra 300S, I had an OS .46 on it I think. I flew the heck out of that thing, it was the first plane I had that I wasn't afraid to really try anything with. I learned a LOT with that plane, flew gallons and gallons of fuel through it. I eventually drilled it into the ground.. With all the confidence gained with that plane I started getting into giant scale after that.

Giant scale planes, I've had quite a few, but I loved my Hangar 9 35% Extra 260 and my EF 110" Yak, but the best is my EF 104" Extra with the DA120.

Maybe it's not so much the perfect plane as it is the right plane at the right time to match your skills.

Found the pics!


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