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** The 3DRCForums 38! **


GSN Contributor
It does appear 3DHS has parted ways with FG and the Huckfest series. I also heard 3DHS may not be going to SEFF this year? I wonder why we're seeing such a big shift in how events are promoted, attended, and sponsored this year by 3DHS. I think the Huckfest series will go on just fine regardless of who sponsors it. It started before 3DHS was on the scene and they were epic events. it's what got me into this! Here's a little trip down memory lane I was able to find on youtube....the Ohio Huckfest in 2006. Wasn't that long ago!


You're right Frank, it's the people who make the events awesome, not the sponsors! Just saying that 3dhs brings in a lot of cool people, hopefully they'll still show in Ohio.

Joe's Dad

70cc twin V2
It does appear 3DHS has parted ways with FG and the Huckfest series. I also heard 3DHS may not be going to SEFF this year? I wonder why we're seeing such a big shift in how events are promoted, attended, and sponsored this year by 3DHS. I think the Huckfest series will go on just fine regardless of who sponsors it. It started before 3DHS was on the scene and they were epic events. it's what got me into this! Here's a little trip down memory lane I was able to find on youtube....the Ohio Huckfest in 2006. Wasn't that long ago!

Never mind
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70cc twin V2
Re: ** The 3DRCForums 38! ** In conjunction with the NJ FLI, July 11-14th

Respek mon!
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GSN Contributor
Guys, lets get back to the 3DRCForums 38 - 3D Showdown please, I'd like to see this contest stand on it's own merits, and not the failings of FG or it's staff.


70cc twin V2
** The 3DRCForums 38! ** In conjunction with the NJ FLI, July 11-14th

Guys, lets get back to the 3DRCForums 38 - 3D Showdown please, I'd like to see this contest stand on it's own merits, and not the failings of FG or it's staff.

My fault. I got a little chatty. Any speculation on who might win the 3DRForums 38?


70cc twin V2
** The 3DRCForums 38! ** In conjunction with the NJ FLI, July 11-14th

I'm hoping a fellow coal country pilot wins. Represent!!!