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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


GSN Contributor
The 3DRCForums -OFF TOPIC- Thread

Hey gyro is it possible to change the depressing blue and grey to something else?

Yes, there are a few styles already available, on the bottom left side of your screen you can choose.
There is also a thread open in site suggestions about this topic.


70cc twin V2
Ok thanks ill keep in on the low contrast for now. Will we be seeing more schemes in the future? White with navy blue would be nice.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
I spent the morning out at the club field and had a great time being around the other members. Even got some vids to post ;)


My buddy Brigg had knee surgery yesterday so I was really surprised when he said he wanted to come out. He had to sit the whole time and use a walker. He was also a little impaired on his percoset. When asked how he was doing he always replied, "me an my friend percoset are doing just fine." Brigg was the one filming while I flew and you can see his drunken reflexes and shaky hands but I was really glad to have him there. He is always such a huge support to everyone. There is also some nice interaction with him talking to my wife on the phone. I suppose I maybe stayed out at the field a little longer than she was expecting... oops ;)
Here are some vids of some of the other club members flying.



Here is the video of me flying my FB slick. It is hard to watch at times but there are some fun gems in there... I need to get a better camera ;)


I hope everyone else is having a great weekend of flying!
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I went to fly today and ended up being flight instructor for a bunch of new pilots and also a maiden flight pilot for some new pilots! Got there at 8:30 and didn't get to fly one of my planes until 11am! Flew a few packs on my 65" Vyper...man that Scorpion has LOTS of power !! :D I really enjoyed helping out the newer pilots in the club, and helping guys get their new planes trimmed out...new guys will keep our club healthy and active for years to come, and also I can make sure they hear about 3D flying!!! ;)
Did someone keep covering up the lens on that last video?:confused:

I spent the morning out at the club field and had a great time being around the other members. Even got some vids to post ;)

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My buddy Brigg had knee surgery yesterday so I was really surprised when he said he wanted to come out. He had to sit the whole time and use a walker. He was also a little impaired on his percoset. When asked how he was doing he always replied, "me an my friend percoset are doing just fine." Brigg was the one filming while I flew and you can see his drunken reflexes and shaky hands but I was really glad to have him there. He is always such a huge support to everyone. There is also some nice interaction with him talking to my wife on the phone. I suppose I maybe stayed out at the field a little longer than she was expecting... oops ;)
Here are some vids of some of the other club members flying.



Here is the video of me flying my FB slick. I'm sorry for the lack of editing... I agree that it is hard to watch at times but there are some fun gems in there... I need to get a better camera ;)


I hope everyone else is having a great weekend of flying!


I was hoping you'd say that... This forum software has that feature built in. We don't have enough content for it so it's disabled right now... But if we can get the articles flowing, you could essentially read a magazine from within this site.

That would be cool, even if it is only like 5 pages, and it would really be cool if 3dhs put a small artical in there every 3 months or something like what new projects and what we should be expecting to see soon, ect...:cool:

Oh and I like the black screen, plus it saves energy.:cool: http://www.blackle.com/
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