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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


70cc twin V2
You guys got crushed Dan. Family and friends all over down there and it's crazy the amounts of snow. Everyone I know has no power at the moment.

We got about 15 inches in rochester, ny.

Yesterday late afternoon with about 10 to 12 on the ground.
View attachment 5778

This morning. Wind is actually down if I wanted to charge batteries and then shovel a runway at the park.
View attachment 5777

Yup, we're at 30'' by now I'd guess, if not over that...

My mom's Honda Civic is literally completely covered over. LOL the only thing visible of it is a tiny bit of one of the side mirrors... :eek:




Aha! THAT'S why I'll never live farther north than I do right now. F* snow, and everything about it! :D

ha! exactly!

i didnt mind the snow too much until i started flying. it still doesnt stop me unless is bad. it does suck to drive to work on bad roads, especially when you get called out at 3am.


70cc twin V2
Pretty sweet. Especially if you live in the Northeast :)



Damn. That makes me feel awkward already.

Because he works with dead people? Dying is the most natural thing in life. OK, I'd admit, the whole embalming thing seems a bit messy to deal with, but there's nothing awkward about it.

But then again, that's just me and my relationship to death.