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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


GSN Contributor
The 3DRCForums -OFF TOPIC- Thread

Sad morning... ImageUploadedByTapatalk1346597911.555105.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1346597937.006409.jpg


GSN Contributor
The 3DRCForums -OFF TOPIC- Thread

Elevator control arm screw backed out, and the arm came off the splines. Had a complete loss of elevator control, whet in at 20 degrees nose down and about 40mph. :(
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Maaaan, sorry to see that Gary. That looks like it was one crazy crash. At least you have the MXS, i posted a video of it to show you what your missing :) I also heard EF has been flying the prototype 60'' Laser since May and are getting ready to sign off on it if you want to save your gear for that.