I went out flying this morning...flew the 51" Slick, flew the 71" Slick...both great fun! 15 minutes on the 71" Slick and only used 1/2 tank (16oz tank) of fuel! Love the way that OS GT33 pulls that plane around. Sunny and 75 here with light winds around 10. Really a fabulous day. Remaidened my 58 Edge which is now owned by my friend Bruce...he crashed his Sebart Sbach 342 last weekend and he was thinking about buying a 3DHS Edge (wonder what gave him that idea

) so I offered to sell him mine...he put his motor/esc in it last night and we flew it today to check it out. He's still new to 3D so he had the rates tamed way down, but it flies nice and much slower than the SBach...short story is...he loves it

Spreading the 3D/3DHS love, one plane at a time
Might be able to get out tomorrow as well...we'll see. The weather is just fabulous this weekend.