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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

Roof insulation going up


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Definitely high. there is a place west of Hot Springs, AR that has pallets of them, you just go pick out the ones you want and they are about $4/each. Of course these have sat in the rain, and not all look in perfect shape, but most are in good condition. I bought a bunch of them for geocaching a few years back. Kept a few for airplane batteries too.


Hey guys be on the look out for some exciting news from Twisted Hobbys today. We are releasing a brand new mini plane today. Its amazing to say the least. Guys it really flys as good if not better then all of the other twisted planes I have owned or built. Again stay tuned....




70cc twin V2
what happens if you have one of those ammo boxes full of 6s lipos and one goes off? Of course the will all go off shortly.... Will the box simply melt?
With my current 6s battery fetish I need more storage containers. There is a Army surplus that sells them. Don't remember the price. Walmart has them, but you have to buy the ammo in them as well. I line them with foam I get from the female hobby store.


70cc twin V2
I've prices them a while ago and they are actually brand new on Amazon for $30, but free shipping. I have four 7.62mm and .50 Cal my uncle sent me from Vietnam a long time ago (obviously) that I used to put tools in. Still do with two of them. I've seen 5.56mm boxes for $15 "like new" but it would cost $18 to have two of them shipped. If anyone has any "like new" about 11x7x6 that they want to sell me for $18 shipped, I'll take two. I'm 240 ft from the Gulf of Mexico and they keep tools much better than my expensive tool boxes.