DJO - that was awesome! I bet you learn fast or else you're doing a lot of climbing!
Yeah it looks like a lot of fun! Depending on your hill, sometimes the hard part is staying DOWN, actually haha. The lift from the hill will just carry your plane away. You really have to build planes that'll fly well at YOUR slope. A good example is my 48'' wing which was unstable due to not having enough lift (too heavy for small slope). However, you can still fly, it's just awkward. On the other side of the spectrum, if your plane is too light then you'll just get blown backwards, so you'll need ballast. LOL.
But yes, if the wind isn't present enough at all, then you'll be hiking to the bottom of the slope...

Honestly though, look around and you'll probably see a few decent hills where you live that could work. A lot of people think that it requires a big mountain with lots of lift, but in reality it can be just a small dune or hill with the right wind conditions.
I need to look more into the Ultrabatics planes that are currently in production like this "Le Fish" (?) one, which may actually be a scratchbuild. But I'm not sure...