Yay weekend! Let's see is I can go huck that Aerobeez 55" Extra at the crack of dawn before the crazy winds start.... Or sleep in.... Hrmmm.... DecisionsThe weekend is here!!!
Yikes!I been up over 24hr eatn a bowl capton crunch and back out to do a small repair jib on my 104 extra to fly all day 2 morrow
Yeah I know right... 4:30am though... Ugh. A pile of batteries are charging...
I missed your reply on the other threadGood luck with the maiden, I'm sure you'll love the planeLet us know what you think!
If I had to get up at 4:30AM to fly, I would never fly.....
I missed your reply on the other threadthis won't be the maiden... I have had it up a couple times before to shake things down.... I haven't really played much yet though and tomorrow I think I am ready to see what it can do
. It will be the maiden for an old 90 nitro heli I picked up a few weeks ago and rebuilt... And a Hadron, yanno, cause 500rpm flat spins are fun
... And bringing the 300cfx heli and every biplane I can (because Curtis Pitts... I heart biplanes) View attachment 34851View attachment 34852