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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Totally cool 3dNater... I used to spend countless hours building and tweaking cars as a kid. my dad and I would make huge charts of performance numbers finding the perfect weight and shape and lubricant and racing stripe pattern.

Sweet! This is our first try at this so we are having fun. I have been getting as many tips/hints as I can find on youtube etc.


640cc Uber Pimp
I'm in meeting hell today! Uggg this sucks.

Day Dreaming of a calm sunny day of flying with smoke on! :)


That is a good dream Mike! It is cold out and going to be snowing this weekend .... (ugh!) ... oh and I/T has seized control of our software development projects and basically shut down my whole team to "avoid risk" .... Maybe I just need to give up on this week and drive across the country to SC.


640cc Uber Pimp
Snowing in Flag Arizona??? Avoid risk??? Weird I'm a senior application developer for a chain of hospitals here in the Pacific Northwest and that sounds weird!


70cc twin V2
I got 7 batteries through my 40" 3d plane in two hours this morning, just delayed work a bit.

Beautiful weather, smiling all day


3DRCF Moderator
That is a good dream Mike! It is cold out and going to be snowing this weekend .... (ugh!) ... oh and I/T has seized control of our software development projects and basically shut down my whole team to "avoid risk" .... Maybe I just need to give up on this week and drive across the country to SC.

Snow in May in the lower 48? San Antonio is pretty much year round flying location, cost of living is cheap and there are plenty of jobs!!! (Summers can be a bit on the hot side)


Heck yeah snow in Flagstaff -- we are one of the snowiest cities in the country most years. It melts away in a week instead of staying on the ground for months. Everyone knows don't plant your garden until June because it will probably be snowed on. =) This was a month ago


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