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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
The cowl has two openings on each side of the spinner on the 3DHS 300, while on the real 300, it is one crescent shaped opening around the entire spinner. There are other differences I'm sure, but that one is the most noticeable to me.

Also canopy and cockpit size. After checking, my bad. I was thinking the two place extra 300. I didn't realize how many variants there are to the original 300 2 place. The 300 S, single place (your plane) then the 330.

So, I guess I like the 300S and the 330.
Just trivia. The plane looks very nice.


70cc twin V2
What's new guys?

I'm hoping to get the 3DHS 48'' Edge when it comes back in stock. If I can't make it that long ( :p ) I'll most likely go for the 47'' Extra SHP. We'll see! Need to save up a little bit first - and finish a project.




GSN Contributor
What's new guys?

I'm hoping to get the 3DHS 48'' Edge when it comes back in stock. If I can't make it that long ( :p ) I'll most likely go for the 47'' Extra SHP. We'll see! Need to save up a little bit first - and finish a project.




saw a post on RCG that Hugo is selling his Extra SR for $300 plug and fly... maybe you can find someone to bring it back from the mid west FLI for you?


gonna go catch some slickness.... installed the scorpion backup guard with the align esc. had it laying around and cant use it on castle(unless I use a diode) so I thought I put it in the slick.


70cc twin V2

saw a post on RCG that Hugo is selling his Extra SR for $300 plug and fly... maybe you can find someone to bring it back from the mid west FLI for you?

Hmmm I must've missed the ad. I don't have any friends going to the "FLI" either. Thanks though :)



Hmmm I must've missed the ad. I don't have any friends going to the "FLI" either. Thanks though :)


I know a guy (DaOldGuy) from Pennsylvania who is going to the FLI...if we could persuade him to bring it that far, it would make it easier for you to get it, eh?