But that was my point, at the 3D line pilots meetings, guys were modifying them. If everyone thinks these rules still apply then you are correct, simple enforcement is necessary. (obviously flying over the pits and such are not even on the table to be modified)
When there is ONE person flying do ALL the traffic rules still apply? If two pilots want to fly a tandem little demo do all the rules still apply? This all needs to be addressed as this was the questions I was hearing. So I think a more rounded set of rules for a flightily which is usually on the forefront of what 3D piloting is needs to adapt as the flying style change.
I mean, I REALLY miss the old school 5 - 10 plane hover gaggles. With the current rules, even if 10 guys all talked about it, everyone was cool with it they couldn't hover infront of the pilot stations, they would have to be WAY out.
Everything seems simple until it's not.

Also - since text doesn't come with an "attitude knob" everything I am saying is said with a respectful tone and a positive motive. (just making sure the vibe stays cool!)