640cc Uber Pimp
I suck at 3D anyway.Ah yeah!! Sometimes 3D isn't important. Sometimes, all it takes right?
I suck at 3D anyway.Ah yeah!! Sometimes 3D isn't important. Sometimes, all it takes right?
I suck at 3D anyway.
Well @Jetpainter I suck at 3D just like you, but I am going to give it a try for this season and maybe next season. If still suck at it will have go back at flying patern stile flying but I have not given up jet.
The biggest problem for me doing low slow 3D is when I get the airplane close to the ground it's hard to see it past the dollar signs that get in the way. Everyone tells me to get a foamie and practice with that. The problem with that is I tried a Crack Pitts and have flown some others, and I just hate them. I know that is sacrilegious to some, but that's just how I feel about them. I'd really like to have an Extreme Flight 60" Edge to practice with, but by the time you start from scratch to get everything you need plus batteries it costs as much as replacing my Hangar 9 Extra airframe with a AJ Laser airframe, and I'd rater do that.
I look at it this way, as long as flying still gives me a thrill and a short escape from the real world, I'm going to keep doing it as long as I'm able. Making a (low for me) wide open knife edge pass down the runway still gets me excited. Could I do it with the wing tip 2 feet off the ground? Yes, I'm fairly sure I could. Will I? No. not unless I hit the Lottery. Until then that wing tip will have to be a little higher.
Never really liked the Laser. But this one has been done really well. I think I could like it a lot. Very pretty.
The biggest problem for me doing low slow 3D is when I get the airplane close to the ground it's hard to see it past the dollar signs that get in the way. Everyone tells me to get a foamie and practice with that. The problem with that is I tried a Crack Pitts and have flown some others, and I just hate them. I know that is sacrilegious to some, but that's just how I feel about them. I'd really like to have an Extreme Flight 60" Edge to practice with, but by the time you start from scratch to get everything you need plus batteries it costs as much as replacing my Hangar 9 Extra airframe with a AJ Laser airframe, and I'd rater do that.
I look at it this way, as long as flying still gives me a thrill and a short escape from the real world, I'm going to keep doing it as long as I'm able. Making a (low for me) wide open knife edge pass down the runway still gets me excited. Could I do it with the wing tip 2 feet off the ground? Yes, I'm fairly sure I could. Will I? No. not unless I hit the Lottery. Until then that wing tip will have to be a little higher.
Just putting this up as a suggestion guys. I know there are many "opinions" and options out there and in no way am I trying to SPAM this........I am on the same page you are on, will not and cannot bring it down to the ground. When I get close to the ground my skills go to hell and the money becomes a big factor. I just lost a new Edge 20cc by playing to close to the ground, not doing that again. For me one mistake high is as good as want to be, iF I can do that well and consistently I will be a happy guy. And as far as I am concerned if I can do 3 D the way I want and it is still enjoyable. Not only the money it takes me a long time to put a plane together and I kind of get attached to them when fly good.
Just putting this up as a suggestion guys. I know there are many "opinions" and options out there and in no way am I trying to SPAM this........
For the money...and yes it is a pricy chunk of foam....The new QQ Cap232EX "Feels" like a larger plane and is really super easy to 3D once your self confidence is set. Best part is the Aura 8 is pre programmed for it. Nothing to do but buy two 6S 3500's, assemble and go fly. I know there are lots of choices out there but the cost is probably less than what snoop had tied up in his 20cc Edge. You will get a solid 7 minute flight time even with lots of top end throttle. I accidently "re-used" a previously flown 3500 pack and took it to 20% but the total flight time was 15 minutes! Normally I only take packs to 50% and that gives me 7 to 8 minutes flying. And at our age guys is it not about having fun? Who cares if it's got a gyro if the pleasure is yours alone?