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Discussion The I’m going out flying thread 2018


640cc Uber Pimp
Doing the skitter shuffle tonight while flying, I had a reaction to flick my hand, and whacked the kill switch... DOH!!! Had a very graceful 3 point landing with the laser.
Tried to run the edge, and after it warms up it won’t leave idle. I kept richening the needles with no luck. Almost seemed to. Get worse. Curious if I have a bad plug, we’ll see.

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640cc Uber Pimp
Doing the skitter shuffle tonight while flying, I had a reaction to flick my hand, and whacked the kill switch... DOH!!! Had a very graceful 3 point landing with the laser.
Tried to run the edge, and after it warms up it won’t leave idle. I kept richening the needles with no luck. Almost seemed to. Get worse. Curious if I have a bad plug, we’ll see.

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I agree that system I would first replace the plug and check the mounting on the sensor of the crank case.


640cc Uber Pimp
Got three good flights in with my Stick with 150cc DA. It was great, engine ran well and I am getting a little more comfortable with the plane, it is biggest plane I have ever owned and flown. Little more stick time and I will get into it and the size. It does take some practice landing a plane this size and placing it on the centre of the runway and down at the right point.


After it is all said and done nobody got hurt. Cell phones are going to be a problem and it is only going to get worse. In your state are you allowed to be on the phone and driving, while driving down to JoeNall we saw many and I mean many people on their cellphones while driving that is just wrong.

We are allowed to talk on our phones in va but not texting. I try to avoid talking on the phone as well when I can.

Didn’t worry with calling the cops though I prolly should have


640cc Uber Pimp
We are allowed to talk on our phones in va but not texting. I try to avoid talking on the phone as well when I can.

Didn’t worry with calling the cops though I prolly should have
We are not allowed any thing with a phone not allowed to even hold it at a set of lights. The only thing you can use hands free.
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640cc Uber Pimp
I put a few flights on my 35% Extra 300X today. It was a good day for flying, even though it was humid as balls in the morning. I was pretty well done and about to pack up around noon when we started having some weird issues at the field. One guy crashed a small fast pylon racing foamie when he lost all control of the airplane. A few minutes later two guys were getting hits at the same time but managed to get them on the ground in one piece. One of the guys was flying an old JR on 72 mhz, one guy was flying Futaba, and one Spektrum. The guy with the Spektrum had Telemetry and the flight log showed over 1200 counts of Frame Loss.