My flying buddy Tony and I went flying two days in a row! The weather was less than awesome, but it didn't keep us from enjoying ourselves. He flew his big 200cc Sukhoi and I flew the Hangar 9 Extra 300X. We both got two in yesterday before the wind got so bad it was trying to blow the corrugated metal roofing off the big barn behind the flight line and we were in fear for our airplanes and trucks, and a bit for our lives.

Not to mention it was 90 something and 70% humidity.
Today was about the same with just a little less wind. We both flew three times and I let Tony take the sticks on mine for awhile since he's never flown the 300x. It's funny, he does better point rolls than I do with my Extra, and I do better ones than him with his Sukhoi.
One kind of odd thing, even though the temperature and humidity yesterday and today were very similar, and both airplanes sound like they're running great wide open, there was a noticeable difference in vertical performance with both airplanes from yesterday to today. Yesterday they both seemed a bit sluggish in the vertical. Today they pulled hard like normal.
I practiced my rolling harriers up high today because of the wind, and they are finally getting a little better. I even did some inverted harriers that I've always been too much of a coward to try before.
Baby steps.