I took this thing for a spin yesterday. I haven't flown it since the first time I tried it on 4S and cooked the ESC 3 or 4 years ago. I flew it on 3S yesterday and it's reasonably fast, but as soon as I get the right prop I'm trying it on 4S again.
I scratch built this over 25 years ago for some pylon racing at my old club. The only rule was everyone had to run a stock OS10. I switched to electric in 2014 and on 3S it's quite a bit faster than it was on glow.
I'm hoping that my club will do some kind of pylon racing again. We had trainer races a few years ago. Our field is big enough to do something that fits the AMA club pylon racing rules. You have to limit the airplanes to something that flies right at 100mph, but that's plenty fast to have fun!
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