Wild man
70cc twin V2
I like the A-10 so mush I have three of them The E-flite Twin 64 mm, the FMS Twin 70 mm and the Free Wing Twin 80 mm. My Free Wing is in the paint shop getting the Artic Camo done on it but I am using Different colors on it. and I just received the Artic decals from Callie the other day I flew the FMS A-10 Thunderbolt today for the 2nd and 3rd flights, Wind 10 to 15 N head wind. With all the armament Installed. 2nd flight was with an Admiral 6c 5000 50c and the 3rd flight was with an RT 6c 4400 70c same time in the air 3.30 minutes after the two flights I checked to see what I had left in each battery the 5000 checked out at 38%, and 3.86 per cell left, and the RT 4400 checked out at 24% and 3.77 per cell. As far as how they performed in flight I did not notice much difference between the two. This video is with the RT 4400 70c