Guys, I really didnt mean this to be a FG bash thread.. I tend to speak my mind at times before thinking about how it would come across to others. I will try to keep myself in check better here, but at the same time its sad that these days it seems speaking your mind is just forbidden.. As if only puppies and rainbow talk is allowed anymore. We all have our own idea as to whats right or wrong, good or bad, acceptable or not etc.. thats what makes life worth living though in my opinion.. having a unique point of view and our own ideas.
I just seriously feel that Private Messages are just that.. Private If we just ignore that, it will just become a stepping stone to the next type of limitations that will be imposed. Its bad enough that posting links to other forums are filtered. I do understand why, but really, does it make it any more acceptable?
In my opinion, there should only be filters in place for the more extreme slang or curse words, racial or sexual type insults or whatever, etc.. If a forum is so worried about loosing people to another forum, then maybe that forum should look within itself for reasons why, rather than trying to keep people from discovering another forum. I mean, people will stay with a forum if they like/love it enough. It is their choice. The forum should not feel threatened by other forums, and if they do, maybe the answer is more along the lines of what content they offer themselves, what they have or do not have compared to the other one(s). Blocking/filtering links and restricting people's speech, and trying to keep their members from knowing of the others is nearly enough in itself to make me not want to contribute or participate there.
I dont always have the best way to put things, but I think I have explained close enough what I mean. If you have to blind your users to keep them there, then just maybe its not the users that are the problem.