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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Yesterday was an afternoon spent at the @Spats laboratory assisting with the concoction of his latest creation. I'll let him fill the details if he so feels inclined. I have to say, it is awesome.
Was working on my purple/white "old" sig extra 300. Dinged it pretty bad a couple of times and rebuilt it. Was hoping to get it back in the air as a beater but having a problem getting that D@#n spe 43 to fire!:mad: Getting spark but no fuel. Wet the carb valves but still no joy. Will probably pull the carb and try a dle carb and see if anything happens.


Defender of the Noob!
I was tearing down a 106 TOC that died on an upline. We thought it had went lean, but that was not the issue! The notorious c-clip breaking reared its ugly head and took out both pistons and cylinders

a 3W 106 TOC? can you explain a little what the "notorious c-clip breaking" problem is?


"Cool Guy"
Out with the old, in with the new. Replaced fuelers, and tanks in my Slick.


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