Defender of the Noob!
Snoopy1. The ease of switching out from wheels to floats and just adding ski's is one of the many reason I purchased one. To add the ski's takes less then minute. Switching from wheels to floats can be done in about 10 minutes, no linkage to mess with and no readjusting. Just pull the front steering wheel assembly. pull the rear axles and wheels,and install the float assembly group with the 12 mounting screws. and pushing in the rudder control arm assembly and your back on floats. They hit this one out of the park IMHO.
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try making a set of skis with the wheels poking through the ski just enough so that you can still fly off a hard surface with the skis on. some full size skis are retractable so that the ski can be lifted up for landing on hard surfaces but the wheel sticking down a little bit into the snow isn't a problem.