@Wild man, just curious, do you have anything giant scale?
Yes I do, I have many, but this time of the year I just fly my Electrics from 2.1 Cessna 150 1.2 war birds 1.2 an 1.5 Bipe's the two I am going to take out after the Snow storm we are having right now are the new E-Flite Air-Tractor with floats I finished to match the plane and my Twin E-Flite E-1500 Cargo plane (C123) on floats I have 6 planes I never take the floats off of. The E-1500 I just got done with a new Scheme and the Floats to match Waiting for my son in-law to send me the graphics eh has made for it Pilot Cpt. NEMO LOL!!!! The Giant Scale stuff is in the basement 100" Gee Bee Sportster power DLE 55 with the starter, Aero-Works 97" Yak, EME 120, Red, White, blue, Silver, Pilot 87" Yak just re-powered with an EME Twin 70 with the Starter, 30cc Pilot Yak EME 30 elec. Start, I even have my old Hangar 9 Suhkoi with a 3W 100 And a 40% S-bach power DA 170 with Pro-Flow 3D Headers and cans, and a 102" FM2 Wild Cat my Uncle Stratch built for me years ago He even made the gear with brass tubing that is functional but does not retract. my uncle pass away a few years ago he was a mechanical engineer for McDonald Douglas, Sunstrand, And Boeing, I miss him dearly. With all the Snow we have in the Winter I just fly my electrics. Love flying off the deep snow on floats ski's just do not work in soft deep snow. Floats are the only way it's know as LGP when on floats (LOW GROUND PRESSURE) as long as the weather is as follows I am out flying "Sunshine 5 to 10 mph wind and above 0 degrees F. I was just outside flying this one off the snow, over in the Chuch parking lot untill the snow removal pickups came and ruined my flying field LOL!!!! Check Out my You tube Channel jerry millard
So what all do you fly acerc ? just curious too. Here in the upper Midwest is what we use a leave blower for. LOL!!!!!