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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


640cc Uber Pimp
So kind of but not really in my workshop. I was giving this little drone like 3'ish years ago. Flew some and it flew decent but was a pain with some of the setup quirks like needing compass calibration every single flight. Well anyways I got a DJI Mavic Pro from a club member about 8 months ago and had no care any more about this one. A coworker mentioned being interested in a drone but didn't know what to get so I hooked him up and gave it to him. Explained some of the quirks and gave him a quick lesson and he has fallen in love with it already. He plans to fly it with his kids once he gets better with it and probably upgrade to a nice DJI Mavic at some point as well once he feels confident he wont crash something high dollar.

Anyways just wanted to share getting someone else into the hobby even if it is on the drone side of things. I will work with him and maybe each him to fly a plane once I feel he can handle it.

View attachment 114992
Getting concerned you are leaning a little to the dark side ?


LOL no not me. I enjoy flying the Mavic and getting some nice video with it but I wouldn't be able to go out to the field and fly it all day long couple flights and I'm bored, though it is fun to get video of others flying. That all said I would much rather fly a plane.


640cc Uber Pimp
He plans to fly it with his kids once he gets better with it and probably upgrade to a nice DJI Mavic at some point as well once he feels confident he wont crash something high dollar.

Anyways just wanted to share getting someone else into the hobby even if it is on the drone side of things. I will work with him and maybe each him to fly a plane once I feel he can handle it.

I was flying my 3D foamy in the yard and some kid and his parents were walking past (giving them a small airshow of course) but the kid yelled "COOL! Dad, can I get a drone?!" . . . I was disappointed in society and all of humanity at that point. were doomed folks. doomed. One day kids will like airplanes again.

That was kind of you to give it away! I'm ready to give a plane to a couple local club guys so they can stop circle flying.

Wild man

70cc twin V2
I just finished with changing my F-35 Aileron setup to Dual Aileron's. so I can use them for Spoileron's and a little down elevator.Talked with a friend in Billings MT. that did this and loves how it has made it a much nicer jet to land, comes in a little slower and more stable on approach for the landing. Also found that the clevis's used on the control surfaces had some play, the pins in the clevis's are smaller than the holes in the surface control arms

After nearly a full year of not having a canopy for my Odyssey, I opted to build one of out wood, foam and glass. A little silver spray makes it look like its going 200 on the ground.

Then another year goes by, without any sort of communication from Gator RC. Each time I called, it rang and went to VM. So, I figure dude blocked my number or he dont want to help me. So, I was gonna let it go at that and leave my home build canopy on and when my Ody decides to take that flight to the sky, that would be the end of it. Not so much..... A friend of mine in GA, just happened to have a spare canopy, and he sent it my way. So, Im just finishing up on it and noticed that the canopy doesn't fit well In the existing fuse opening. So, a lil shim here, sand there. Gotta redrill for my front dowel hold down, since the existing one I made comes up a lil short.

It'll be better than new when I get done with it.


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640cc Uber Pimp

After nearly a full year of not having a canopy for my Odyssey, I opted to build one of out wood, foam and glass. A little silver spray makes it look like its going 200 on the ground.

Then another year goes by, without any sort of communication from Gator RC. Each time I called, it rang and went to VM. So, I figure dude blocked my number or he dont want to help me. So, I was gonna let it go at that and leave my home build canopy on and when my Ody decides to take that flight to the sky, that would be the end of it. Not so much..... A friend of mine in GA, just happened to have a spare canopy, and he sent it my way. So, I'm just finishing up on it and noticed that the canopy doesn't fit well In the existing fuse opening. So, a lil shim here, sand there. Gotta redrill for my front dowel hold down, since the existing one I made comes up a lil short.

It'll be better than new when I get done with it.

That Odyssey is gorgeous BTW.

I've got seven projects going at once... something I always say I'll never do - douh!! Other than working on the 75" Edge motor to engine conversion, The MMW Beaver taking a break (lost momentum very close to being covered), The ARS getting some more cowl opened up and getting the foam baffles closer, The Super Otter has had some wires strung for lights in the wing (got them working) - The wing is now ready to be covered :) which is pretty exciting, making a new tail for the mini dart DLG, TF P-40 getting some flap work (what a pain), and the 110" timber getting a wingtip repair (waiting to have a couple other things ready for glass to not waste epoxy).
Mine looks better in pics than in person. But, yes, I agree. The Ody is a sexy machine. It is a great entry to mid level turbine jet. Mine juat has a 120 in it, which is only 26# thrust. I am debating on a Swiwin 140 at 30# or a KT 140. Either way I go, I have to change all turbine related parts, minus tanks.


640cc Uber Pimp
Been working on the Stick conversion with a new set of 40% Sbach wings. Everything has been installed and all that needs to be done is to program the radio for the new setup. Hopefully it will be done in the next couple of days. That is if it is not good flying weather.

Wild man

70cc twin V2
Did a pile of updates on my Spektrum Transmitters, and receivers Today. Also registered some new receivers To windy and Stormy to fly.