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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


640cc Uber Pimp
I think I found the problem. The rest of the brakes aren’t far from that either with all of them having no friction material left on them.

My little girl seems to have already claimed the car for herself.

Spiral shaft pucks - yuks!

Wait... is that Emma? Wasn't she born yesterday!?!? :eek: I can't believe mine is already eight months old.

Wild man

70cc twin V2
I have done a paint jobs on my E-flite 80 mm F-4 Phantom Painted the flaps and ailerons gray, and the white rudder aluminum, Also
painting the drop tanks an missiles pictures to come, so stay tuned LOL!!!!


Spiral shaft pucks - yuks!

Wait... is that Emma? Wasn't she born yesterday!?!? :eek: I can't believe mine is already eight months old.

Yup that's her. A week from today she will be 2-1/2. Time is flying. She is still petite but she eats pretty much everything you put in front of her, will try to do pretty much anything, and talking up a storm. At her two year check up the dr. said she had the vocabulary of a 3 year old and i will say it is quite impressive. Consistently strings together 6-8 word sentences and has had a couple that where 11 words. I meen how many 2-1/2 year old toddlers can say "Stegosaurus"? LOL


First time in over a year and a half since the wings have been on.
Looking back through photos it was Feb. 3rd, 2019???!!!
Really need to straighten out my priorities.

All the electronics are installed and programmed. The big floppy things were flopping before I left the shop tonight!
Making progress...engine install is on the schedule for tomorrow evening.


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Wild man

70cc twin V2
Nothing wrong with that, I believe it all boils down to how much time we have to do the things we love. I haven't flown any of my Big Gasser's for well over a year know. I have been on a speed kick and just can't get enough electric racer and EDF time I have 7 jets and three racer's I just love to fly, mostly EDF Jets lately. Two A-10's, F-4 Phantom, F-35, SU-30, T-33,and I am just finishing the scheme on my AL- 37 twin 70 mm liner. To many Irons in the fire LOL!!!!


640cc Uber Pimp
Hmmm, I'm in a pickle. I've been trying to sell my Extreme Flight 74" Edge 540 V1 to a club member cheap for about a year now. he says he really wants it, but cannot cough up $350 for the plane without the smoke pump, and receiver. It has a worn out DLE35RA and some well used Hitec 7955TG's in it. Probably $1.4k invested. I really want to get him into gas more, and this would be a great airframe for it. I want him to have it while throwing me a bone to chew on of some sort. Should i remove my tech aero and give it to him or should I keep it, buy a new cowl and a GP38. Plane flies good, just heavy as it is. I'd like to thin the heard and get a 50-70cc laser but boy it's hard to do when i cant find a buyer for my used stuff due to my location. $300 is what i'd get for parting out and selling some stuff. Personal problems I know!