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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


Very cool. I tried a couple times to spot it but haven’t had any luck.

I was only able to see it with the naked eye for a very brief few minutes. That picture was just me snapping a pic of the screen on the DSLR after doing a long exposure. Still not that great since my neighbors have big dusk to dawn lights out so leaving the shutter open long enough to get the comet also allowed enough other light in to wash it all out. So it may be different for where you live but the way I found it was with help from a friend. In my area these where the steps. Find the big dipper, go to the bottom right right hand star of it, from there turn your hand sideways and about two hand widths down and a little to the left is where its at.


Staff member
I was only able to see it with the naked eye for a very brief few minutes. That picture was just me snapping a pic of the screen on the DSLR after doing a long exposure. Still not that great since my neighbors have big dusk to dawn lights out so leaving the shutter open long enough to get the comet also allowed enough other light in to wash it all out. So it may be different for where you live but the way I found it was with help from a friend. In my area these where the steps. Find the big dipper, go to the bottom right right hand star of it, from there turn your hand sideways and about two hand widths down and a little to the left is where its at.
Problem I’ve had in my area is that it’s low on the horizon and there’s trees and houses in the way. That and I’m usually in bed during prime viewing time.


640cc Uber Pimp
I was only able to see it with the naked eye for a very brief few minutes. That picture was just me snapping a pic of the screen on the DSLR after doing a long exposure. Still not that great since my neighbors have big dusk to dawn lights out so leaving the shutter open long enough to get the comet also allowed enough other light in to wash it all out. So it may be different for where you live but the way I found it was with help from a friend. In my area these where the steps. Find the big dipper, go to the bottom right right hand star of it, from there turn your hand sideways and about two hand widths down and a little to the left is where its at.

Not even sure if it's an option for me to see it, but Clouds would have been my viewing demise. Thanks for sharing, was curious what the fuss was all about.


640cc Uber Pimp
Not sure if you guys will be proud or disgusted with me... Yesterday I got rid of six planes.

I have a saying that a flying buddy always reminds me of, and this is no exception "RC Planes. . . They come. . . and they go" Really meaning that you gotta let them go. Whether it's the dumpster, to a friend, or in a crash.... they go and it keeps you humble.

Deep sixed a puddle star foamy, My very first blasa rc plane sig 1/6 clipped cub covered in fabric (I kept the wings and tail to hang on the garage wall or properly burn viking style) This was my hangar queen, Then gave away my IconA5, and a Hitec PC-6. Sold a 60" Extra 300EXP to a buddy cheap with batteries who actually gave me twice as much as I was asking for it! And the 74" Edge 540T I talked about earlier, the guy called me and said hes got some cash for me... makes me feel better about handing it over "turn key". Removed the smoke pump and pilot... 14.5 oz removed! Whoah! That's going to give it some much needed power:weight gain and give him a better flying airplane!
I have three more on the chopping block, H9P40B .50 size - may gut it and sell the saito82 and retracts then hang it in the hobby shop or at work... it's my last nitro plane I own that's complete, a EF Outlaw handmedown that was a nitro bird... thought about recovering it and converting to electric... not sure if I want to drop the cash into it. If I can find a cheap power setup for it, I may just do it. The last one is a Hitec P51, hopefully I can pass that one along. Cleaning out the hanger!

Spring cleaning has come later than expected. I think it made my wife happy... maybe too happy. LOL She knows I have two new ones coming, so rightfully so! I don't want to become a plane hoarder like the last couple guys I knew who passed away.


Not sure if you guys will be proud or disgusted with me... Yesterday I got rid of six planes.

I have a saying that a flying buddy always reminds me of, and this is no exception "RC Planes. . . They come. . . and they go" Really meaning that you gotta let them go. Whether it's the dumpster, to a friend, or in a crash.... they go and it keeps you humble.

Deep sixed a puddle star foamy, My very first blasa rc plane sig 1/6 clipped cub covered in fabric (I kept the wings and tail to hang on the garage wall or properly burn viking style) This was my hangar queen, Then gave away my IconA5, and a Hitec PC-6. Sold a 60" Extra 300EXP to a buddy cheap with batteries who actually gave me twice as much as I was asking for it! And the 74" Edge 540T I talked about earlier, the guy called me and said hes got some cash for me... makes me feel better about handing it over "turn key". Removed the smoke pump and pilot... 14.5 oz removed! Whoah! That's going to give it some much needed power:weight gain and give him a better flying airplane!
I have three more on the chopping block, H9P40B .50 size - may gut it and sell the saito82 and retracts then hang it in the hobby shop or at work... it's my last nitro plane I own that's complete, a EF Outlaw handmedown that was a nitro bird... thought about recovering it and converting to electric... not sure if I want to drop the cash into it. If I can find a cheap power setup for it, I may just do it. The last one is a Hitec P51, hopefully I can pass that one along. Cleaning out the hanger!

Spring cleaning has come later than expected. I think it made my wife happy... maybe too happy. LOL She knows I have two new ones coming, so rightfully so! I don't want to become a plane hoarder like the last couple guys I knew who passed away.

I know the feeling. I sold a kit yesterday and will be posting a ton of stuff for sale. Got a car to fund building.


Not sure if you guys will be proud or disgusted with me... Yesterday I got rid of six planes.

I have a saying that a flying buddy always reminds me of, and this is no exception "RC Planes. . . They come. . . and they go" Really meaning that you gotta let them go. Whether it's the dumpster, to a friend, or in a crash.... they go and it keeps you humble.

Deep sixed a puddle star foamy, My very first blasa rc plane sig 1/6 clipped cub covered in fabric (I kept the wings and tail to hang on the garage wall or properly burn viking style) This was my hangar queen, Then gave away my IconA5, and a Hitec PC-6. Sold a 60" Extra 300EXP to a buddy cheap with batteries who actually gave me twice as much as I was asking for it! And the 74" Edge 540T I talked about earlier, the guy called me and said hes got some cash for me... makes me feel better about handing it over "turn key". Removed the smoke pump and pilot... 14.5 oz removed! Whoah! That's going to give it some much needed power:weight gain and give him a better flying airplane!
I have three more on the chopping block, H9P40B .50 size - may gut it and sell the saito82 and retracts then hang it in the hobby shop or at work... it's my last nitro plane I own that's complete, a EF Outlaw handmedown that was a nitro bird... thought about recovering it and converting to electric... not sure if I want to drop the cash into it. If I can find a cheap power setup for it, I may just do it. The last one is a Hitec P51, hopefully I can pass that one along. Cleaning out the hanger!

Spring cleaning has come later than expected. I think it made my wife happy... maybe too happy. LOL She knows I have two new ones coming, so rightfully so! I don't want to become a plane hoarder like the last couple guys I knew who passed away.

Reminds me of a meme I saw here a while back...



Took a few steps backward over the weekend...so back to the workshop thread.

Wonderful flight, having fun with conventional aerobatics, the thing pulls like a freight train...

Anyway, pulled the throttle back coming down out of some crazy vertical maneuver, and then...

Lost power, dead stick landing, made the runway, beautiful touchdown, rolled out long, and found...a ditch!
Flipped upside down, damaged one wingtip, dinged the lower cowling and cracked the firewall. Somehow didn’t hurt the prop.

Turns out my ace mechanic made a mistake fabricating the throttle linkage. Good mechanics are hard to find!

Stripped the thing down, broke out the sawzall and chisels and now I’m ready to laminate and install a new firewall.

Hope to be back up in the air this weekend.


  • EF97AB7B-E6F1-41C0-A333-A76F3391B98E.jpeg
    263.1 KB · Views: 380


Staff member
Took a few steps backward over the weekend...so back to the workshop thread.

Wonderful flight, having fun with conventional aerobatics, the thing pulls like a freight train...

Anyway, pulled the throttle back coming down out of some crazy vertical maneuver, and then...

Lost power, dead stick landing, made the runway, beautiful touchdown, rolled out long, and found...a ditch!
Flipped upside down, damaged one wingtip, dinged the lower cowling and cracked the firewall. Somehow didn’t hurt the prop.

Turns out my ace mechanic made a mistake fabricating the throttle linkage. Good mechanics are hard to find!

Stripped the thing down, broke out the sawzall and chisels and now I’m ready to laminate and install a new firewall.

Hope to be back up in the air this weekend.

Dammit man. That bums. :ugh!: