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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


640cc Uber Pimp


Staff member
Been busy building a dock for my pond. Got it floated and anchored today. I need to but some shims between the gangway and the floats so that they make contact with the water. I think it will float more level then. And I still have to deck it all.



I'm still working with trying to make my own vector files, what a challenge from scratch! Are you using your devices cutting software, or what process and devices are you using? Looks good!
I'm using Xtool's software, but also Learning Inkscape for better image manipulation. Xtool's creative space is getting better but still lacks some features.
Yes so far I have just used the free Cricut software. The Extreme flight logo I was able to locate a clean PDF image in the files section on the FB owneres group. Used an online background remover and then could import it into the software. Next I'm working on the graphics for the 67" Extra 260 to make it look more like Patty Wagstaffs. These where a little easier in that I just googled the logo with background removed. I still had to do slight editing to them but not to bad. The software is supposed to support importing DXF files but so far when I have tried it they come in all funky looking.


More vinyl cutting happened yesterday and did up my 67" Extra 260. Very happy with the outcome. Then mind the mess but a before and after from inside my shed of replacing the old flourecent lights with justa cheap set of LED strip lights off of amazon.
