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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Well after discovering TWO of my engine mount bolts were loose yesterday :oblong:, I went through and re-tightened them last night real quick, slapped the cowl and prop back on, and ordered a new spinner since the old one broke. Will pull it apart tonight and re-loctite the nuts on the mount to keep them in there.


70cc twin V2
In tearing my hair out trying to make some super short male to male jumpers using the EST pins and crimper...:afro:
Wanting a more aviation themed helmet head I decided to make my own. I've got the shoulders portion done, now it's onto the helmet mold. My intent is to vacuum form some ABS over a set of molds to create a new bust. the helmet in the pic I got at an airshow and is way to heavy to has the look that I want so I'm trying to recreate it.
No pics but I straightened up my shop, vacuumed and rearranged some things in anticipation of opening the box up of my 30% Pilot Edge 540. I'll shoot some pics of the un-boxing. This will help me make up my order list in preparation of the assembly.:D


640cc Uber Pimp
Well, I cheated on the drywall and only did a single heavy coat on the taping, the laminate is the cheapest HD had. But it is done, and the two things I wanted most are there, enough room for me and plenty of lighting. Tomorrow I will head south to the house and get all my stuff. Woo Hoo!!!


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