It was a workshop kind of night last night. Redid some wiring inside of my 35% Yak and replace a couple of screws that went missing from my elevator servo mounts last time I flew it

I was wondering why it felt a little soft on the elevator and then I saw it when I was breaking it down. They must have vibrated out the last 2 flights I did because they were there when I put the airplane together.
My Slick needed the forward canopy alignment pins glued back in place, they're carbon so a little thin CA dripped all around them locked them in place, followed up by some medium CA on the backside to fill in the gaps. I started to remove the fuel tank so I could replace it with my larger 20oz Danhakl Design tank but got side tracked and left it aside for now. I need to replace all of the fuel lines, there's some air bubbles getting in the line between the tank and the engine which almost stalled it last time I was out flying

Cheep insurance just to replace all the lines.
Lastly, my 25% Slick got some much needed love with a new propeller. Replaced the old broken Xoar PJN electric with a Falcon Carbon electric. The Falcon is 1/2oz lighter than the Xoar, and it's a 20" prop vs the Xoar's 19". Pretty stoked to go out and fly the Slick again, it's been my go-to travel airplane when space is tight and I still want to fly something big.